XVIII: All Good Things

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Elliot woke up with a warm body next to him. He wasn't quite sure when or why, but Wren had started sleeping in his bed whenever he stayed the night. Elliot didn't really mind - the extra warmth was very welcome to heat his frozen toes and fingers - except for times like these. He was on his side, Wren behind him, and could therefore clearly feel the hardness poking his butt. It made him slightly uncomfortable because he never knew how to react, how to deal with the problem.

He was always the first one to wake up in the mornings, and whenever this happened he just tried to slip out of bed as silently as possible, trying his hardest not to wake Wren up. This morning, however, that didn't happen.

As soon as Elliot started moving, trying to get out of Wren's arms, the grip around his waist tightened, and a low groan was heard from behind him.

"Where are you going?" Wren asked with that voice, that damn voice of his. Normally it wouldn't have that much of an effect on Elliot - not more than he could ignore, at least - but in the morning when Wren's voice was rough from sleep and had that sexy rasp to it, Elliot was a goner.

"I was thinking of making breakfast," Elliot answered. His voice was also a bit raspier than usual, and not only because of sleep. It might have something to with the outward dent if the boxers. Which one? Both.

He could see Angus sitting by the window, glowering at him and silently judging him. Well you would react the same way if you went to bed with the pretty lady cat downstairs, Elliot retorted in his head. If Wren wasn't there he would've said it out loud, but he didn't want to risk Wren hearing and being silently judged by him too.

Angus seemed to understand, though, because he jumped down from the windowsill and padded across the floor to sit next to the bed. No longer were his eyes small slits, now they were fully open in hope that Elliot would find him adorable enough to get out of bed to feed him. No matter how hard Elliot resisted, Angus always won. Elliot had actually stopped calling it "puppy-eyes", and instead called it "Angus-eyes", because there was no way he could say no to those.

This time, however, Elliot decided to do things his way. Instead of complying with Angus' wishes, he reached down to bring Angus up in bed. A few cuddles would keep his hunger at bay, for sure.

"I don't need breakfast," Wren grumbled. "I'm perfectly fine right here, with you. And that creepy cat, apparently." Elliot could see Wren glaring at his precious snuggle buddy, and took slight offense.

"Hey! You don't get to talk about him like that. Only I do," Elliot said and sent a pout in Wren's direction. Slightly difficult, since he was still behind Elliot in bed.

Wren just chuckled, and placed a light kiss on his shoulder.

"Sorry. Seriously though, do you know how long he's been staring at us?" Wren asked him with wide eyes.

"Wait, you were awake before me? I was so sure you were sleeping," Elliot said and furrowed a brow. "But then... You must have noticed..." Elliot couldn't complete the sentence, instead he blushed.

"You're so pretty when you blush, Elliot," Wren said teasingly.

"Oh, be quiet," Elliot said grumpily. "Just get rid of it."

Elliot's hands were busy stroking Angus' fur, trying to distract himself. Angus didn't seem to mind really, his eyes were only narrow slits, and he was purring loudly. He looked high.

"Well, I would love to, but it's a bit hard at the moment," he said. A moment later he added, "No pun intended."

Elliot just snorted.

"Oh really?" he asked, unimpressed. "How come?"

"Well, you see," Wren started, and from his tone Elliot knew he'd be blushing once Wren had finished his sentence. "I have this really attractive guy all up against me, and it's hard to will it to go down when it's promised so many good things from the warmth it's pressed up against," Wren said in a low tone, an made the situation so much worse by pressing a kiss to Elliot's neck when he finished.

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