Chapter 7- Orders

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Freya, daughter of Maeve, was many things.

Fae. Valg. A powerful magic-wielder. A healer.

She was also an excellent spy.

Part of the reason Maeve had always kept her in animal form was so no one knew her face, which could be used throughout many different centuries to deceive and infiltrate the courts of every kingdom of Erilea.

Despite the dishonesty, Freya relished the freedom it gave her once in a while. She could become Lady Serena of somewhere, Lyda the nursemaid or her personal favourite: Kia Vishal the infamous assassin.

She would integrate herself fully into that life, feeding as little information as possible back to Maeve as she could, to protect her new friends. But there always came a time when she'd have to tear herself away and leave those lives behind.

Although, she had quite enjoyed faking her death the first time it was needed as an explanation, so she'd done it every time since. It became quite an art.

All these qualities and skills she may have but despite her thousands of years of living, Freya was not patient.

She tapped her boot on the stone floor of her room, it'd been days since she'd helped Aelin and Fenrys escape and she'd had no word from her mother.

Maeve might have no idea what she'd done, but she doubted it. The fact she hadn't summoned her meant she was  either clueless or she was gathering her rage and plotting her next dark motion.

Maeve was rarely clueless.

"Daughter, I'm sure by now you know of my prize's disappearance" her eyes narrowed into black slits, "I don't presume you helped her escape.."

"No Mother, I didn't go near her."

Her eyes swept across my face, and I felt her magic testing the blood bond between us, tasting for any lies. She carried on, satisfied.

"You'll be pleased to know Fenrys severed his blood oath to me, I'm sure they buried his body in a ditch somewhere."

My blood ran cold, breaking the oath was suicide, a sure and painful death.  She had to be lying... I still felt, whole.

I did not reply. She smiled sickeningly at me, "I hope you're not too heartbroken dear, but that's not why you're here, my scouts are failing me."

She stood and drawled her usual spiel along with my orders:  "Freya my daughter, I order you to fly north to Anielle where Aelin is travelling to and find out what the young queen plans to do, you will also report back the size and strength of the Valg army that currently lays siege to the City of Silver Lakes -and whether the King himself is present. His location, I will need to know immediately.
Finally, you will observe all of this in animal form, I don't want you speaking to any of my traitorous subjects."

I bowed and turned to leave but she spoke once more, "and Freya, you must hurry." Fear flickered through her eyes.

Shit, I hadn't seen her worried since, ... she learned Erawan had returned.

She was so worried in fact, that she'd rushed her commands, believing me so docile after all these years of servitude that I would not exploit the Old Ways to disobey her.

Hope bloomed in my heart and excitement coursed through my veins as I flew out of the palace, north.

Towards Aelin and her court.

Lol this is so short - the good bit comes soon 🥰😘

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