Chapter 19- "Don't"

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She left that chamber alone, but a pair of angry footsteps quickly followed, hands suddenly grabbed her shoulders and pinned her to the wall roughly.

"What in the rutting hell was that?!" Fenrys snarled  in her face, her cool unbothered face.

She said nothing.

He growled this time, "What were you thinking?"


"Freya," his voice became softer and it broke saying her name, "won't you even look at me?"
Indeed she hadn't met his eyes, for fear he would see the emotion there. But when he sounded like that, so miserable she couldn't  stand it.

Slowly, she raised her eyes to meet his, the gold glinting, instead of burning now, cooled in his onyx stare.
Warmth spread throughout her but she only asked mask intact, boredly,  "What do you want from me Fenrys?"

This was, clearly, the wrong thing to say, as his eyes darkened, his gaze cloudy and flickering from her eyes to her lips, an arrogant smirk toyed upon his mouth, "I want....well to start with I want to know what happened with her, and I want you to stop ignoring me and then I want something else..too."

She paused cocking her head, looking at him, "I was wrong about my mother, she believes that I follow her commands and that I'm the perfect spy," the best lies were always laced with truth, "I'm not ignoring you, and I don't care what you want from me."

Finally, she let out a snarl of her own, reminding him exactly who she was and that she had allowed him to pin her to the wall as she effortlessly twisted  slamming him against it, cracking the rock, before turning on her heel, leaving him gaping and slightly hurt in her wake.


That night the mountain men allowed them to set up camp, deeming it safe enough now the witches were, elsewhere. Tents were pitched and fires began crackling merrily, the men huddled around them in the freezing temperatures, even Rowan had bullied Aelin into being bundled up in furs, despite her fire magic.

Freya was still distancing herself, sitting with some of the khagan's soldiers, sharing stories of their home in Antica, the God-City. She reminisced with them, laughing and asking about shops and food stalls that were still there, even after the decades since she'd  last visited. At one point Kashin, seated himself beside her, passing her a drink speaking to her so softly, Fenrys (who's been bristling since he'd spotted the prince make his way to her) could not hear him.

Despite all the company, she kept glancing over to the circle of Aelin's court where Fenrys sat, talking lowly to Rowan, ignoring her attention now, unlike Gavriel whose tawny eyes had been watching her every move like a hawk.

"I don't know what you said to him, but normally he's causing much more trouble than this," Gavriel had made his way over to her and was sitting himself down, Kashin wisely turning his conversation elsewhere.

She didn't reply, sipping her drink delicately.

"I don't know what Maeve said to you-"

"No you don't." She snapped, regretting it the moment she did, for the golden Fae male was being and had been, nothing but kind to her.

Swallowing she said softly, "I know you think you know what it's like, to be bloodsworn to her, to feel her pull on the blood you drank from her.
Just imagine though Gavriel, imagine instead of a drop of her power holding you to her, imagine that half of the blood in your body is hers to command, and then imagine even trying fighting against that. Can you?"

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