Chapter 13- Preparations

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Fenrys awoke before dawn, his stomach grumbling so loudly he thought it would wake the others, so he made his way across the room, almost tripping over a sleeping Elide, before slipping out the door.

As he neared the great hall that was currently being used a a soldiers mess, he heard a growing raucous cacophony of sound.

Upon entering he was met with a surprising sight.

Freya sat, surrounded by anywhere between 30 and 60 men, soldiers from Anielle and Antica alike, who were all roaring with laughter as she cracked jokes and laughed along with them, calling a few of them by name, teasing them as if she'd known them for years.

He smiled at the sight, at the pure amusement upon her face, the joy in her laughter. The sight of so many men staring at her adoringly though, he wasn't sure he liked that.

Sensing his gaze, she looked up and, yelling a few farewells, she stood and made her way over to him.

He went to speak and stopped, his mouth suddenly paper dry.
She just grinned , "Gavriel said their spirits were low." before handing him the half full tankard of ale in her hand and walking past him, back through the corridors to the chambers above.

Leaving him stood, alone, feeling like a silly
young buck all over again.


Once they'd all eaten they set off in search for armour. There was little on the upper levels fit for wearing, so they descended deeper into the keep, until they came across a locked room.

"Should we or is it rude?" Aelin mused, peering at the wooden door.

Rowan sent an icy sharp blast of wind that shattered the lock.
"Looks like it was already open when we got here," Freya smirked drily.

Fenrys snickered and then they entered, immediately pillaging the room crowded with ancient heirlooms, and full of deadly Fae weapons.

While the others did that, Freya browsed the antique items, nose wrinkling at the smell. She turned to comment but noticed Fenrys struggling to tie the leathers behind his broad shoulders. Stifling a laugh she made her way towards him, halting inches front of him.

"Allow me ?"

He just nodded, eyes burning holes into her as she moved behind him, fingers hesitating before moving his soft hair away from his neck, fingers brushing skin as she did so, he stilled.

She made quick work of the armour, fastening away until it was done. He turned to face her with an unreadable expression on his face.

She sucked in a sharp breath, "We should bring some of this up for Lorcan and Gavriel."

He nodded tightly, as did Rowan, overhearing her and they began eyeing pieces that would fit them.

They headed back upstairs, leaving Aelin behind.

On the level above, they found Chaol sat astride a magnificent black horse.
Gavriel prowled up to them, Lorcan a dark storm behind him. Rowan wordlessly handed them the armour, "Courtesy of the Lord of Anielle."

Lorcan gave him a look that said he knew Rowan was full of shit, but began donning the armour, Gavriel doing the same.

"I always forget how much I hate this part," Fenrys muttered, "the waiting before it begins."
"Why don't you do something useful then, like braiding your pretty hair," Freya teased from behind him. He whipped around in outrage, speechless, Rowan chuckling beside him.

Her grin broadened, "You wouldn't want it to get in your even prettier face would you? Or to get blood in it?"

He stood there slack jawed, no retort. Gavriel now howling with Rowan beside him.
She giggled before commanding loudly , "Right turn around, I'll do it for you."

Fenrys went to protest but she shot him a lethal look, daring him to spoil her fun.

He turned around.

All around him, soldiers began chuckling, taking their eyes off the horizon to watch the Fae warrior get his hair braided, pouting like a little girl.

"There, all done." She announced after a few minutes, satisfied, before leaning in close and whispering in his ear, "Sorry I wanted to have my fun, but did you see their terrified faces before that?"

His face went hot, she was still so close to his face, waiting for his response, he managed to choke out a "Yes" and a "Thanks" causing her to laugh before she drew back, speaking to them all now,
"Good luck boys."

No sooner had she spoken than a lone ruk screeched as Morath stirred to discover the khagnate's golden army already in place, and they began to advance.

Sorry this was short it was a bit of filler before the battle :)

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