Chapter Twenty Nine

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Mis-Teeq's Scandalous is the soundtrack for tonight.

Xavier and Hyde are racing and it's intense.

Viini dumbed it down for me how the track worked. The Creek's track has four rights, and the turns are sharp. Hence whenever Xavier slows down, my breathing stops because if he were to accelerate at each of those turns, his car would spin out and he would crash. But Xavier is so freaking good at racing that every turn for him is like skating on ice.

Xavier gentlemanly lets Hyde go ahead of him by slowing down nearing the first turn. Hyde haphazardly zooms forward, his arrogant attitude showing with his racing style. Both cars skid around the first right turn, creating a cloud of dust. The crowd is going crazy. It's easy to see that Xavier and Hyde are popular and two of the best racers at The Creek. Catching up to Hyde, Xavier and Hyde are side by side but with each turn, I watch as Xavier lets Hyde go first.

My heart is thundering with anxiousness. Viini is standing next to me with his normal bouquet of girls around him. The crowd cannot look away from the race.

Appearing on the last curve, Xavier sneaks up behind Hyde but doesn't slow down. Hyde races around the last twist but spins out, causing his Mustang to slide further to the edge of the track letting Xavier smoothly take the inside. Both cars pull through and are back side by side for the straight race towards the finish line. As the two menacing cars thunder past the finishing line, the crowd goes nuts. The race was entertaining.

But who won?

Xavier and Hyde raced so closely that no one saw who'd won. Confused, I look at Viini, and the guy smirks. Xavier climbs out of his car when I get to him and I take a moment to see if he's okay, to make sure he's not hurt. Xavier catches my worrisome eyes and smiles, shaking his head.

"What the fuck was that?" Hyde growls, slamming his car door.

I'm standing in front of Xavier so when Hyde steps closer, Xavier gently pushes me behind him. From behind Xavier, I peek at Hyde and his eyes are red with anger and hatred.

Is Hyde blaming Xavier for that little accident of his? If so then that's pathetic and sad. Hyde can't blame Xavier for that mistake, Hyde clearly can't handle his car.

Xavier is so unbothered, it's actually hilarious.

"Xavier..." I mutter softly as I curl my fingers around his black t-shirt. Xavier looks back and smiles, his dimples washing away my every little fear.

"Alright," Viini escapes from his plethora of girls and looks at the two racers, "I got some good news and bad news. Bad news is you two fuckers tied but the good news is, I've got an idea to make it fair."

Xavier and Hyde both look confused.

"A rematch?" My quiet voice breaks through the tension.

Viini stares at me with a smirk.

"Kind of."

I don't like the look in his eyes. The green swirling with a darkness that makes me shiver. Viini looks mischievously devious.

"If you two boys want to settle this, then your cars will race again but...," Viini looks at his girls then at the two guys with a smile that is too sinful, "You won't be the racers."

"What the fuck are you saying, Viini?" Xavier agitatedly growls.

"Who the fuck are the racers?" Hyde barks.

Viini smiles and when those green eyes lock onto mine and the girl beside Hyde, I think I've just met the Devil.

"Your girls."

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