Epilogue Part Two

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18 Years Later


Watching my wife work her way around our kitchen is a sight to behold. Her hair just as long and healthy. Her soft curves more prominent after giving birth. Those curves are like my holy grail. I can't get enough of her and her body.

It's Friday night and she's preparing dinner for our family. I offered to help but Lia being Lia, shut me up and kicked me out of our kitchen. But I stuck around because I can't stand being away from her.

My eyes glide down her body, resisting the temptation of her slender waist, ample hips, and plump ass.

I take a sip of the red wine without moving my eyes off her ass.

That ass.

Fuck me.

"What's for dessert, baby?" I ask.

Hopefully, her.

Lia turns around.

"Cornflake tart."

That's for the kids. My dessert is right in front of me.

I nod, my lips lifting into a smirk. Lia catches it and shakes her head with an amused smile. She knows what I'm thinking. She knows how our night is going to end.

Me between her legs.

Where I belong.

Even after nineteen years of being married, twenty-three of being together, I can't fucking get enough of her. When I'm not yearning for her mind, I'm begging for her body. She's got me spellbound.

My love for her has only deepened over the years. It's strange though. Even after so long, whenever I look at her or whenever she looks at me, we both have such visceral reactions—her blushing and me getting a mini heart attack—that it leaves us wanting. Wanting a touch. A kiss. A laugh. A whisper.

My want for her has never wavered. And it never will. She's written in my soul. Her star is aligned next to mine in the night sky. In this life and every other life, she's completely mine.

Lia breaks me out of my thoughts when she walks over to me and comes to stand between my legs. My hands naturally rest on her hips. She roams her warm, chocolate eyes over my face, absentmindedly playing with my hair. Then she grabs my hand and moves it under her dress until I'm touching her panties.

Fuck. My eyes meet hers in surprise.

She's wearing them.

"Thank you for the gift. If you're good tonight, I'll let you in them." Lia whispers into my ear then backs away with a sultry smirk, looking like a fucking vixen.

Once the shock of her touch and words wears off, I scoff. Amused and fucking ticked off. I'm getting in them. Nothing can stop me. She'll be a crying fucking choking mess once I'm done with her.

"Will you see where Max is, please?" Lia ditches her heated eyes and softly smiles at me giving me whiplash.

A fucking angel and a nymph.

Like a puppet to her strings, I get up and go look for my eldest. The walls of this house are littered with pictures of us and our children. Lia has made our house a home.

We're still on the Upper East Side but in a bigger house. When Lia gave birth to Max, we needed more space so I bought us a two-million-dollar townhouse where our kids could run around and be happy. Our old apartment that holds so many memories of Lia and me and Max is still ours but it belongs to Max now. For whenever he's ready to move out.

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