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After her last class of the day, Zoya planned on visiting her old professor, who had supported her most of all in university, Ms Brooke. When Zoya had first arrived at the university, her nervousness had almost drowned her. She was intimidated by the prestigious building and the incredibly diverse group of people who spoke in various languages and bonded over them.

She started to build up a barrier and only spoke up when asked. She was relieved to have Naimat in the same building, if not classes; while holding onto that thread of comfort, she spent her first few weeks in the new world.

Ms Brooke had long been noticing the quiet new girl and started speaking to her after class about all sorts of things: studies, activities, hobbies, and favourite tv shows. The tension in Zoya's head poured out. Soon Zoya was confidently making new friends and adapting to her surroundings.

Ms Brooke was also the one who helped her secure a scholarship through Sir Adams, the director in charge, which led her to complete her last semester of university. Technically, she owed Ms Brooke her academic life.

"Kei, you don't have to come along," she insisted while arriving at the bus station along with Naimat and Kei. Kei ran her fingers through her now blue hair and smiled.

"I want to come along. Ms Brooke was my favourite prof," Kei stated earnestly, playing with her vibrant strands of hair.

It was true that she was dear to everyone. Since Naimat had to wait for Zoya to go home together after her Psychology class, Ms Brooke allowed her to attend her lectures.

"Zoe, doesn't Zaib pick you up from uni?" Naimat asked. Zoya nodded affirmably. "I told him I'd take the bus with you guys to visit Ms Brooke, so he reluctantly agreed," she explained.

Kei giggled, her eyes bright in fascination. "Zoe, your husband's whipped!" She declared as Naimat nodded excitedly.

"Kei, he's completely obsessed! Ehsan tells me that in uni, he acted tough as if he'd never fall for a girl. He even despised romance books itself, but look at him now: he expresses his love for her, even around us! He's even read romance novels upon her recommendation—"

"Really! Gosh, this guy sounds so wonderful. Zoe, I'm so jelly," Kei squealed, her eyes dilating with excitement.

With each word, Zoya's face grew hotter and hotter. She tried interjecting, but Kei's rambles kept going. "Austin is cute, but he's also confusing since he's nice to everyone. He doesn't differentiate between me and others, and it's frustrating. He has female friends that he gets along with and it makes me feel subservient," Kei sighed, "You know I grew up with my Asian heritage and I was always sheltered from having guy friends until uni. Austin was the first guy who broke down those walls."

"And it's just unfair that he had all those friends from childhood, who he's known longer and he treats them as well as he treats me. I just want to feel different, being his girlfriend, you know?" Kei's cheeks were flushed as she ranted on, "Austin just gives mixed signals. Zoe, Zaib doesn't do that, does he?" She questioned, concerned regarding her boyfriend.

Before Zoya could answer, Naimat cut her to it. "No way! Zaib knows better. He treats our Zoe with the utmost care, never have I seen him even converse with other girls."

Kei smiled sadly and nodded while Zoya quickly whacked Naimat on her back. Fortunately, the tension broke loose when the bus arrived.

The journey to Ms Brooke's house was a thirty-five-minute bus ride. Initially, Kei remained immersed in her thoughts; however, the trio eased up when Zoya started sharing some stories of her fights as a married couple.

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