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Fourteen November arrived on a chilly day. The sun peeked through a pillow of clouds and shone directly down at them as if declaring the day's specialness. Zaib stared at his wristwatch, awaiting the longest fifteen minutes to pass in order to see her again.

The reception was held within a chamber with an ability to summon a hundred guests altogether. Zoya's family was reluctant to hold such an event, but since Naimat's family and guests were also accompanying them, they couldn't adverse the engagement.

The distant sound of a call grabbed his attention and he stood alert, walking out to the living room.

"Zaib, could you fix my scandals? It took me so long to clasp them but ugly Zain opened them from behind!" Zayna's tiny voice wailed helplessly. Zaib chuckled and complied.

Zain hurdled back into the room and silently, walked towards the exit. Ever since the family meeting, Zain had been relatively quiet and uncomfortable around his older brother. It almost seemed like Zain was unhappy about the engagement but upon asking, he discreetly dodged the question and went asleep.

"Zain, will you drive us today?" Zaib remarked with a soft smile. Zain usually felt nervous driving the car with his brother; he was new to the whole driving phenomenon and therefore didn't like to be monitored.

Zain nodded apathetically and exited the house.

Something was definitely off.


As Salamu Alaykum's chorused around the hall as everyone settled on the clothed velvet chairs. The auditorium was embellished scenically with soft colors pleasing the eye. The plain white walls harmonized the sheer lilac curtains and the paintings received wondrous awes from the guests.

He was proud of choosing the color combination. Well, to be fair, he chose it because it was Zoya's favorite color but it actually looked pretty cool.

The stage carried four majestically decorated armchairs for the two couples alongside large sofas also dressed in soft velvet. The guests were to be seated in chairs aligned around the platform and the entrance was decorated with brightly colored lavenders and plain lily flowers.

"Oi, are you okay?" Zaib turned to Ehsan's frail voice and faced an unnerved Ehsan. Zaib frowned at the depressing aura he was giving off. Ehsan's paler than usual skin tone and fidgety hands gave the vibes of a teen waiting for their results to be announced.

"I'm great. Why do you look like that time when you dreaded going home because you failed your social studies exam?" Zaib joked causing Ehsan to loosen up with a chuckle.

"I'm just a tad bit nervous." His voice wavered but he covered it up with a forced cough. Zaib could tell it wasn't just a 'tad bit' but decided to leave it that way for his self-respect. He replied with a playful push to the shoulder.

"It's going to be a good day Ehsan." He pat his best friend on the back, grinning from ear-to-ear.

"They've arrived!" Someone from Zaib's family announced and everyone scrambled to their appropriate position, ready to attend to the girls' side. The mass entered along with the guests. Zaib, who was situated on one of the sofas with Zayna, sat attentive, eyeing the people entering, his eyes desperate for a glimpse of her.

Naimat entered first, dawning a salmon-coloured two piece maxi dress paired with matching heels. Her hijab was styled in a way that her gold flower earrings were visible. She was smiling brightly but had a nervous aura around her too, just a bit toned down compared to Ehsan. Zaib looked over to check his friend's reaction and Ehsan looked a bit dazed. Zaib laughed in his head.

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