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Zaib was sat on the chair sipping his sugary milkshake as he cautiously listened to Ehsan, ranting about the tiredness of searching for the lady of his dreams.

"Ehsan, you haven't found the one yet because Allah has something way better planned for you. If Allah closes a door, he opens hundred others. Be patient, it'll be worth it." Ehsan smiled gratefully at Zaib's spiritual speech.

Being the eldest in the Khan Family, Zaib was aware of the tactics. Sometimes, his siblings, Zain and Zayna, also needed words of wisdom to carry on in life. So basically, Zaib Abdul Khan was an expert with assuring words.

"Jazak Allah Khair, bro. Let's discuss the new project," Ehsan smiled. Zaib nodded as he began to shovel through some papers.

Architecture was Zaib's passion. He was always great at art; the colors and patterns intrigued Zaib more than anything in this world. His eyes always beamed in excitement as he worked on painting competitions. His mother stressed upon the importance of mathematics, even though he disliked the subject, causing him to learn it forcefully.

When he graduated, his first initiative was to work on a project for his family circumstances. His parents had spent their youth tirelessly working for his education fee and he wanted to give back. After gaining recognition through few internships, he earned his first project: construction of a nursery. As he succeeded within the first project, he realized how blessed he was to have studied arts and mathematics.

There wasn't a prayer in which he didn't thank Allah for the blessed lifestyle.

Zaib and Ehsan were halfway through their discussion when suddenly they heard the pleasing sound of the Dhuhr Adhan.

'Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar'

Both the men got up in alarm, hurrying to a masjid nearby. While walking, Zaib recalled the day he saw Ehsan without his beard. Zaib grew anxious and bombarded him with questions, but Ehsan answered none of them. Was his best friend unfollowing the sunnah?

"I'm still upset. Why'd you shave your beard?"

Zaib was determined to obtain an answer. He wasn't going to let his friend fall into the temptations of the devil. The more Zaib thought about it, the more he felt a sickening ache in the middle of his chest. Ehsan was the one who guided Zaib most of the time; Zaib didn't want his friend to be mislead.

They were now walking towards the entrance of the masjid. Discarding their footwear outside, they entered in the protection of Allah's house. Ehsan sighed deeply.

"Zaib, like seven girls rejected me because of my beard. It really got out of hand and I just did it without a moments thought. I'm really ashamed. I wish I could go back in time to change what I did," Ehsan mumbled.

Oh, the poor guy.

Zaib grew upset. As far as he knew Ehsan, he would never go against the will of Allah for the worldly pleasure. Zaib was also well aware that nothing came before Allah and the Prophet's sunnah. Ehsan gave into the desperation and shaved off his beard for the sake of the world.

Zaib knew that he regretted it deeply.

Zaib could only sigh in response and make Dua'a for the guidance of his distressed friend.

The two silently ambled off into the praying hall, getting in line, shoulder to shoulder, and the Salah began with stating Allah's greatness.

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