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Zoya rushed in clutching the elongated strap of her bag, her pumps causing a clicking against the white tiles of the university floor. She had been summoned to the meeting room to discuss an important project for 'HASU', the Health Association of Seattle Univerity.

She was very passionate about this association as it trained her for cardiology. They would do group projects around the city related to different health issues and help all demographics of people; it was a very rewarding job.

She pushed down on the brass door handle and she was inside an ivory white room with a huge table which extended from one side to the other. Fourteen heads turned and Zoya anxiously giggled.

"Sorry I'm late," she blurted as she met eyes with Evan, her classmate and head of the association. "No worries," a dimpled smile graced his features. He gestured to an empty seat next to one of her classmates which she sheepishly took her place in. Her classmate Merian handed her a notepad and pen. "Okay now that we are all present, I will get to the order of business."

"Our last project: raising funds to aid cancer research centers was a huge success! Fred's marketing techniques gave our project a reach on social media which brought us attention. Zoya's impeccable organizing skills built the foundation of our event and Rome's good connections brought us many willing donations. To conclude, we all did an amazing job, let's have a round of applause for ourselves."

An enthusiastic applause echoed around the room and a slight blush enlightened Zoya's cheeks. She had really put her everything into the last project but she hadn't expected her work to be noticed and appreciated. Rome, who was sitting beside her let out a cheer and pat Zoya on the back earning a shy smile from her in return.

"Now that our second project was a success, we will be taking it a step further with our new project. Please welcome, Mr. Brunley, to brief us about our new mission."

Another round of applause was given and a stocky, rather nervous looking man took Fred's place, standing at the head of the table just in front of a little white projector sheet. "Good morning students, my name is Brunley and I'm here to discuss your new project with you."

'To start off, I was born in a cramped neighborhood near the end of the city. Some of you might be familiar with it, it's called Shahamill."

This name caught the attention of all fourteen students: this area had been on the news multiple times, unfortunately not presented in the best light. It was the economical dump of the city, the lowest class in the hierarchy of wealth resided there. Poverty then lead to crime. It really wasn't the people's fault. Every one was doing their best to survive.

"It might be shocking to know that I am from Shahamill and that I am here right now speaking to you all in a position of authority since not a lot of people from there can escape that lifestyle. I was an orphan, without a family; there were a bunch of street kids who I called friends and that's about it. It was very difficult to get by. People were on edge. One day however, an epidemic spread in the area.

It was sealed off and many doctors had to come and try to extinguish the flames of the blue death. Half my friends fell victim to the sickness and my closest friend, Al, was on the brink of his last breath.

In that flurry of doctors, I met one man who was holding onto his wife's hand and a medical bag in the other seeming quite distressed. I urged him to come look at my friend. He seemed busy but they both smiled and followed me.

Today, my friend, Al, is working in a cancer research center and that couple who saved his life are my adoptive parents. All those doctors worked for a total of sixth months and the disease was gone like it was never there."

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