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,,A coin is as dangerous as a sword in the wrong hands." -A


11 days before the incident

The library was emptier than usual. A handful of students were sitting individually,  studying for upcoming OWL's.  The more logical part of me was currently screaming at me to do the same.

And since I'm in the library what could I possibly be doing instead of studying? Disappointing as it is, my task was just to be alone and keep my head  burried in a book until it's late enough for me to leave.

Even though none of the students spared a second glance as I passed,  I still had the strong feeling that being out of sight would be much more better for my own benefit. 

Barely half an hour passed before my mind drifted back to Mattheo.I don't regret what happened between us. It was very clear that we are both physically attracted to one another. But we haven't  discussed what happened between us.

There were moments the past week where I was pushing myself to just ask . It  did aquire to me that if I do ask and we talk about us , it might just end. So I didn't. 

I didn't want it to end when it barely even started.

Despite the amount of times I could've blurted the question out and finally have one tiny problem solved, I couldn't make myself do it.

So we gave in the silent treatment. The meetings stayed the same but there was the smallest of change. I would've thought that after what happened, he would keep his distance and most likely not want to meet me . Afterall he did apparate us back and just turned on his heel and leave without any parting words.

But none of that could overpower the heavy feeling of him being even closer. His little remarks turned more flirtatious yet still a touch of roughness. His hands lingered on my body longer than needed when he showed me how I should be standing.

It was more like an understanding. We had something that neither of us regret but the risk of exploring it would have to be further  minimized for the time being.

No matter how much his expression hardened and how he tried to look neutral , his eyes betrayed him every time.

It  was terrifying how I could feel my own stomach drop just at the thought of giving him up. He is a part of me now.

I've given up on the whole It's wrong,  terribly fucking wrong  phrase. Yes it was bloody wrong but at this point there isn't really a right and wrong anymore , is there?

Two months ago, if anyone told me I'd be having these thoughts about Mattheo freaking Riddle , I'd most likely send them to the first healer in sight . But now- Now I'd be the  one needing a healer.

The smallest noise broke me from my thoughts. Detecting where the noise came from, my eyes drifted over to one of the tables near the restricted section. 

I threw a quick glance around the library to see everyone gone or on their way out. 

Someone snuck in and is most likely waiting for everyone to leave. Tough luck because I'm not going anywhere.

This was the perfect opportunity to practice with my magic. Turns out that , as much as Mattheo hates to say, I'm a natural.

I ducked down out of sight and closed my eyes , focusing on the energy around me. The tingling feeling around my body and mostly hands, grew with every deep breath I took.

𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 M.R.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя