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,,If you want to be trusted be honest." -A


Theo was in a coma for four days just to wake up on the worst day possible. Dumbledore must have thought that informing us about our mother's death the day my dear brother woke up, was the smartest idea.

Do all powerful wizards have a brain as big as a rock?

After the news, I followed Theo. He looked truly tired. This morning when he woke up, Madam Pomfrey sent me an owl as fast as possible letting me know that I can visit him before classes.

When he woke up, he acted much more energetic than he actually looked. His eyes had deep dark bags and his skin was as pale as the Malfoys.

He seemed happy to see me though. That's what I would always admire about my brother . It didn't matter the situation beforehand, he would aways care about the people around him especially me.

Theo has always been the person to put others first and not care about his own happiness as much as he cares for others. That's why we are such opposites. He has taught me a lot about carrying and changed the way I would view others growing up.

He was in fact a very enthusiastic person growing up while I would stand back and clean up the mess he made. But when it came to socializing, he would be the one cleaning up after me. Most of my childhood friends were Theo's friends first. He would introduce me and although every friendship came with a rough start, my brother would help me out.

Seeing him with a smile on his face even though he woke up from what seemed like his death bed, just for Dumbledore to crash him again made me want to murder everyone in sight.

Get your shit together Y/N

We both walked in silence back to the infirmary. When the silence was unbearable I had to speak up.

,,Are you okay?" I asked carefully, staring at him sideways.

,,I can't believe that she's gone." He whispered, stopping in the middle of the hall.

It broke me. He didn't deserve any of this. But telling him the truth would just ruin everything. I wish he could know that she was in fact a monster. A filthy little liar and a crazy witch.

My heart couldn't possibly hurt more when he sucked in a shaky breath and let out a quite sob. He whipped at his eyes aggressively and tried masking the pain in his face. But eyes never fail to betray a person.

My arms came around his middle , comforting him silently as he sobbed in my hair. And I did too. I cried because I knew that when he finds out it was me , I would lose my best friend. I cried because he didn't deserve this- neither of us did.

When the sobbing turned into quiet sniffing, he pulled away and smiled sadly down at me. The both of us headed back to the infirmary, waiting for Madam Pomfrey.

Her snappy footsteps welcomed us not long after he sat himself back in his current new home bed.

When she saw us , her whole body tensed before walking over to us .

,,I'm very sorry for your loss Miss and Mr Nott." She said apologetically. That's when it hit me- and I fought hard not to groan. Now that slowly everyone will find out about our mother's death, they will all pay more attention to us. Give us disgusting apologetic looks and be more generous than usual.

From Theo's scrunched up face, he thought so too. Don't get us wrong, attention will forever be something that we openly seek. I mean, who doesn't? But there's a different between attention and everyone talking to you none stop and putting up a front for a while until you become irrelevant again.

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