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Hi, please don't feel disappointed that this isn't an update.

Actually, I wanted to share some info with you all→ I made a facebook page for 'Fatal Alliances'.

Anddd I would loveee and be so entirely thankful and happy if you guys check it out and like it! Maybe even share your thoughts there.

Like seriously, that would mean so much to me. Your support is really motivating and I'm only getting so many reads and votes because of you all.

So please, pretty please with sprinkles and a cute little baby cherry on top- please show your support? :')

I'm an emotional little freak so don't disappoint me and make me cry. lol

You can add/follow me on facebook at Celine Mahadeo. Check the Fatal Alliances page out:

(This link is also posted on my wall)

Please do show the love and support there as you all always do here.

PS: Next Chapter of FA is my favourite ;)

Lots of Love,


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