Chapter 14

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There it was. My reality, my home. After Ricardo left I took a deep breath as I looked at the door in front of me. I was about to knock when I realized it was left ajar.

Don’t these people know about security?

Honestly I felt like a great weight had been lifted off my shoulder. The familiar aroma of cinnamon tea engulfed the atmosphere inside, it must have been Mrs. Dawnely making her everyday drink, and she even forgot to turn the kettle off in the kitchen. She’s really getting forgetful these days. I quickly went in the kitchen and turned it off. As I continued through the house I heard a soft silent humming in the living area. It was coming from behind the couch on the ground. The image of the humming sound almost filled my eyes with tears as I noticed that it was my little sister Nina drawing on a scrapbook while sitting on the ground and humming a song. I hadn’t seen her in days, and I know it would sound strange but it almost felt as if she had gotten bigger. The sound of my footsteps must’ve alerted her to stop humming and turn around. Her big bright hazel eyes widened as she saw me and ran towards me knocking me down on the couch.

“Juliet!” she happily giggled.

“Hey kid.” I smiled returning her hug.

“I’m missed you, where did you go? You were supposed to go with me to the school fair, you promised me and you didn’t.”

When she said that I felt like my heart became so heavy and I suddenly began to feel lousy about myself. Nina wanted us to go to her school fair together, all she talked about was that. It was something I told myself I would make time for yet I was the bad sister and didn’t even show up. Although, I didn’t have a choice, I stayed away from her for her own good and I couldn’t even explain that to her.

“I’m so sorry Ni, I really am.” I said making a pouty face to her.

“Hmm, that’s alright. Mrs. Dawnly took me but I really wanted you to go with me instead.”

“I know, I know but I promise I’ll make it up to you okay?”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep Juliet.” I heard an oddly familiar voice from behind me. A voice I dreaded. Jenna.

“Jen…” I said as I stood from the couch to face her.

“Out of all the ridiculous things you’ve done Juliet, this….” She replied almost disgusted to continue, “This is unacceptable.”

She gave a look to Nina to head upstairs and she obediently listened. To be honest, I hated when Jenna played ‘mom’ with all the scolding, I hated when she still treated me like a child, I wasn’t one. I wasn’t even a teenager, I was an adult, yet Jennifer Greene never accepted that. All she saw me as was the little sister that caused trouble and needed protecting, she never trusted me to be by myself, or ever changed her perspective of me. I know she was worried about me, I know she thought I was wrong, and I don’t blame her but I also know that I couldn’t tell her the truth, I just couldn’t no matter how much I wanted to.

“How are the Dawnly’s?” I asked trying to change the topic.

“They were worried sick about you. You know how old they are now Julie! Yet you want to cause them stress? Don’t you realize how much they did and keep doing for us?”

“It’s not that Jenna.”

“Then what is it? No, I’ll tell you what it is! Juliet Greene is too selfish! She can’t think of anyone but herself!” she yelled but then took a deep breath to calm herself, “I told them you were on a trip, it relieved them. They’ll be home later.”

I needed to tell Jenna something, as much as I hated lying to her I know I had to.

“Actually, I had gotten a job Jenna. I had to take the trip to finalise it. I had to meet the manager.”

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