You're My Mate.

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Hey this is my new story, It's another werewolf one which isn't surprising because most of my stories have werewolves in it. Anyway, it's the first chapter, so it's not that good, but it gets better I promise. I hope you like it, please comment what you think of it.

Chapter 1:

Amber's POV:

When I get home from school the first person I see is Damian. My brother Devon was beside him on the couch. Damian was my brother's best friend and he annoyed the hell out of me. He thinks he's so perfect with his fit body, his dark sexy hair and his mysterious dark brown eyes. He was a total player and every girl wanted him, except for me. It's not that I didn't find him attractive because oh my God he is, it's just he doesn't care about girls. He treats them like toys, when he gets bored of them he throws them away.

He doesn't care about breaking their heart, he just moves on to his next victim two minutes later. I had to see him every day because my brother hangs around with him twenty four seven. I don't even hang around my best friends that long like Devon does. My brother's not like Damian, he isn't a player and he doesn't sleep around. Devon was a year older than me, he's almost eighteen.

I'm almost seventeen. My name's Amber, well, because I have amber hair and eyes. I'm tall, slim and very smart. My brother was like my father, he had crystal blue eyes and dirty blond hair. The girls loved him too but at least he didn't treat them bad or cheat on them.

"Hey, Amber," Devon greets.

"Hi," I answer. Devon and I got on great unlike most brothers and sisters.

"Are you coming to my party tomorrow?" Damian asks. I roll my eyes. It was his birthday tomorrow; he's going to be eighteen. I couldn't give a fuck, I didn't even like him so I'm not going.

"Nope," I say, popping the 'p'.

"Why, can't stand to see me and my hotness?" he teases. I roll my eyes again. He's a jerk, a lot.

"What hotness, I only see an immature, ugly asshole," I taunt. Okay, the ugly part was a lie, but he is an asshole. Damian growls and gives me a death glare. What the fuck was that?! He growled?

"So, how was school?" Devon questions quickly, changing the subject.

"Um...good." I was still freaked out by Damian growling. Why was Devon not freaked out, he was beside him, he had to have heard it too? "I have to do homework." I go upstairs to my bedroom and start doing my homework. When I'm finished I go back downstairs, Damian was just about to head out the door.

"I hope to see you tomorrow," Damian confides as he winks at me. No chance in Hell am I going.

"Yeah, yeah, bye, Damian," Devon mumbles, closing the door while I laugh. "Actually, you have to come tomorrow."

"What? Why?"

"Mom and Dad are going out and I have to look after you and since I'm going to the party you have to come too so I can look after you."

"I can look after myself, I'm almost seventeen."

"I know, but Mom and Dad said you have to be with me at all times." I sigh with frustration but I don't want to be around Damian and all those girls. "I know you don't like him and you don't want to go but you can ask Hannah and Rachel to come so you'll have someone to talk to." Hannah and Rachel were my best friends. When we get to the party Devon's going to leave me for his friends so I'll be alone, so I might as well invite them too so I'll have someone to be with. I don't want to be a loner.

"Yeah, okay," I agree.

"Thanks, sis." He gives me a tight hug and pulls me to his chest. He was squeezing me a bit too hard.

"Um, Devon, you're hurting me." He pulls back quickly and gives me an apologetic look.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry, Amber."

"It's okay." Devon was very fit and strong just like Damian. Actually, all his friends were too. "Did you hear Devon growl?"

"Um....yeah, forget about it, he does it a lot." A lot? Who the hell growls?

"What the fuck, why?"

"Just when he gets angry it sort of happens."

"Okay." I was confused, he growls when he's angry. He actually gave me a fright when he did it, and now I'm a bit frightened of him.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just thinking about something." I hear my phone ringing from the kitchen. When I enter I see my Mom making dinner.

"Hey, sweetie, dinner's almost ready," she states.

"Great," I smile as I take my phone and answer it.

"Hey, Amber, are you going to Damian's party tomorrow?" Hannah inquiries.

"Yeah, unfortunately."

"Great, we can all go together!" she squeals with delight.

"I was actually going to ask you to come, I guess I don't have to now."

"Yeah, Rachel's coming too, I can't wait, there's going to be lots of hot guys there," she notes and I laugh.

"Yeah, well, you know Damian, he always hangs around with sexy, hot guys." My mother looks over at me and I blush. "I have to go, bye, Hannah!" She says a quick goodbye before I hang up.

"No guy's coming near you," Devon murmurs from behind me. He always gives me a fright, how does he come up behind me the whole time without me hearing him? And how did he know I was talking about guys? "If they do, I'll beat the crap out of them." He's always been protective of me with boys.

"I can do what I want, Devon."

"Not on my watch." And with that he leaves the room while my Mum and I laugh.

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