A Mate For The Beta.

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Chapter 22:

Amber's POV:

The alarm goes off beside our bed, waking me up. Monday morning, the worst day of the week! I groan and bury my head in the pillow. Fucking school! All that learning and work is too much for me especially this early in the morning.

"Is everything okay, Amber?" Damian observes from beside me, pulling me over on top of his chest. I look at him underneath me and sigh.

"Yeah, everything's good, it's just school," I moan.

"I know how you feel, I wish we could just skip and stay here all day," Damian admits.

"That would be the life," I mumble, daydreaming of a life without school. Oh how wonderful that would be.

"How are our little babies?" I look down at my big baby bump sticking out from the bed covers and place my hand on it.

"They're good, I think."

"They're getting bigger, which is making you so much bigger and cuter!"

"Please, babies, stop getting so big so fast!" I moan. I'm sixteen weeks now and getting bigger like every week. Stupid werewolf pregnancies!

"Please, babies, get big quick and make your Mummy more sexy!" he smirks. I smile at his compliment and close the distance between us by placing my lips onto his soft lips in a kiss.

"Ooh, Damian, I'm cold," I shiver. The covers had slipped away from us as we kissed. We were only in underwear so it was extra cold.

"Here, baby." He wraps his arms around me in a tight hug, his skin causing tingles to overcome me as we touch. He plays with my hair and trails his fingers along my skin as he holds me. I giggle happily and relax into him. He pecks at my neck while I giggle. He whispers cute, soothing words in my ear about our future with our babies and I laugh and tell him how adorable he is. This is why I love my boyfriend; he is the most sweetest and loving guy in the world.

Devon's POV:

I hang up. Mia was coming home! When I heard her voice my wolf howled with excitement inside of me. I don't know why it did that....... Mia was a good friend from my childhood. She was really close with me when we were kids but unfortunately she moved when she was 14. She sounded different but there was still a hint of Mia I could remember in her voice. She sounded so perfect when we were on the phone. I wonder how different she looks now.

She's moving back here to our pack again. Her parents' jobs have moved back here again so they're moving packs back. They moved to a pack near them because they wouldn't have been able to stay in ours since they would have lived so far away. She'll be here tomorrow morning, just twenty-four more hours! I can't wait! I am very intrigued as to why my wolf is so excited; she's only an old friend... Fortunately it's a bank holiday tomorrow and we have no school so we can spend more time catching up. Damian walks in the room to the kitchen table along with the rest of us having our breakfast.

"Where's the misses?" Nick questions.

"Here," Amber greets, walking in the room.

She was wearing a knit white dress, black tights, black and white Ugg boots and a black cardigan. She had her hair in waves down her shoulders and her bump was sticking out from her dress. God, she's gotten so big and adorable. It was obvious she's pregnant now, she can't hide it anymore. When we got home after the beach three weeks ago everyone knew and congratulated them again. The parents who have had kids in their teens are giving them some advice and the children are looking forward to the new two arrivals to play with. They haven't had a new arrival in four years.

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