Realising Feelings.

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Chapter 5:

Amber's POV:

The rest of the night was so fun, although I didn't get to be with any guy. My brother didn't leave my sight, unfortunately. But I still had fun with Hannah and Rachel. Damian never did see me later, he went off with his friends. I was kind of hoping to talk to him. He was probably with some girl, why should I care I hate him. Oh who am I kidding I liked him, a lot. Okay more than a lot, this feeling was scaring me I've never felt it before.

His touch made tingles go through my body, his voice made me shiver, his body made me melt, his eyes were inviting, everything about him was damn sexy. Am I the only one who feels this way, does he have feelings for me too. He's never talked to me alone before, he's never noticed me. I always thought I was invisible to him and that he hated me like I hated him.

You just have a tiny crush on him, crushes always go away. Don't they, unless this isn't a crush and it's the real thing. What love? That's a strong feeling, I can't love my brother's best friend, the school's player, the sexiest guy ever. I just can't be in love, right?

"Amber?" Devon asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. I look over at him. He was outside of the car, we were home. That was quick, I didn't even know we were home. I was too busy thinking about Damian. "You coming in?"

"Oh, yeah". I take off the seat belt around me and open the car door. Devon unlocks the house and we go inside. I check my watch, it was almost half eleven. Mom and Dad should be home in a few minutes. He sits down on the couch and I sit beside him.

"I need to ask you something". I nod. "What do you think of Damian, do you really hate him?"

"I've always hated him, I still do", I lie.

"So you're feelings for him haven't changed?"

"No they haven't changed, why?"

"Well because Damian..... I can't tell you yet".

"Don't fucking tell me then, you're all keeping something from me and it's driving me mad not knowing. It has to do with me so I deserve to know".

"Amber, I wish I could tell you but I can't. I'm so sorry, you know I would if I could. Please don't hate me, I love you so much I can't lose you".

"I could never hate you, you're my big brother. I'm just angry that no one wants me to know".

"They do, just not yet". I nod. He pulls me into a hug and I rest my head on his chest. He strokes my hair and kisses my forehead. "You'll find out soon, I promise. Damian's going to want to tell you soon so he can have you". Have me?!

"What do you mean by have me?" I ask.

"If I say, it will make me get sick, just the thought of you two being together, ugh".

"Together?!" I shout.

"Shit, I wasn't supposed to say anything", he mutters.

"Well if he wants me he's not having me, I don't want to be one of his sluts that he can just do what he wants with".

"Well good, just forget about what I said". I must have fell asleep because the next day I wake up in my bed. I rub my eyes and check the time on my alarm clock. It was almost noon and no one woke me. I get out of the bed and put some sweats on. I do my hair quickly and go downstairs. I could hear Damian talking to my brother in the living room so I go into the kitchen. My Dad was there reading the newspaper.

"You're up late", he says, looking up at me.

"Yeah", I say, as I open the fridge.

"How was the party?"

"Great". I get some milk out and pour it over my cereal my Mom had left out for me before she went to work.

"That's good. I'm have to go see someone so will you be okay on your own?"

"Yeah I'll be fine". He gets up of his chair and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Bye Daddy".

"Bye baby girl". He grabs his jacket with him as he leaves. Damian and Devon come in. Damian was standing very close to me.

"I never got to see you later on yesterday, I wish I did", Damian says. Devon rolls his eyes.

"Yeah well I was with my friends", I say casually. I had to act like I didn't care.

"Come on lets go, bye Amber", Devon says, looking at the clock.

"See you later", Damian says. Devon walks out the door and when he's gone Damian winks at me before leaving with him. My body melted, why does he have this effect on me?

Damian's POV:

"So what did Amber say yesterday when you asked her about me?" I ask, as I get into my car with Devon.

"She said she hated you", he says, with a smirk on his face.

"What, hates me? But we're mates, she was just lying".

"You can't stand someone not liking you, can you".

"She does like me, she should love me. The only reason she said she hated me was because she's not going to tell her brother that she loves his best friend".

"Maybe, or maybe she really does hate you and the mate effect hasn't kicked in yet for her".

"I'll get Rachel and Hannah to ask her, she'll tell her friends her true feelings".


"Cause they're girls they tell each other everything". He laughs. I get out my phone and ring Rachel.

"Hey Alpha", she says.

"Can you ask Amber if she likes me?"

"You really want me to ask her that?"

"Yeah, can you ask her soon. I need to know".

"Okay, sure. I'll go over to her now with Hannah, we were actually going over anyway".

"Thanks", I say and she hangs up. What if she does really hate me? The mate effect should be working.

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