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Chapter 10:

Amber's POV:

The next morning I put on a casual dress and cardigan. I brush my hair and put on some make-up. I put on my new bracelet and necklace. I'm going to always wear these, it reminds me of the two men in my life; my brother and mate. I grab my school bag and go downstairs. There was no school yesterday because it was a bank holiday but unfortunately there is school today. After having breakfast we drive to school. We say goodbye to my Dad and go to our lockers.

"It's weird knowing that everyone here is a werewolf", I say, looking at everyone around us.

"Yeah but you have nothing to worry about, no one is going to hurt you", Devon says. I nod.

"I'll see you later". He hugs me then I go into my first class. Rachel and Hannah were sitting behind Damian who had an empty seat beside him, I guess he saved it for me. I sit down beside him and he kisses me.

"Whoa, when did this happen?" Hannah says. Damian smirks and strokes my cheek.

"On my birthday", I say.

"Why didn't you tell us yesterday?" Rachel asks.

"Because I was a bit mad at you guys yesterday", I say.

"Mad, why?" Hannah asks.

"Because you kept a big secret from me, but don't worry I'm not mad at either of you anymore", I say.

"You told her?" Rachel asks Damian.

"I had to tell her sometime", he says.

"Amber we're sorry we didn't tell you, but your parents said not to until you changed", Hannah says.

"It's okay, I'm not mad or pissed off any more", I say.

"Good because we can't lose you as our best friend", Rachel says. I smile and hug them.

"So how long have you two been one?" I ask.

"I turned when I was ten and Rachel turned when she was thirteen", Hannah says.

"By the way, all your presents are left at the pack house", he says.

"Pack house?" I ask.

"Oh yeah, well remember my house and it's so big, that's because it's not my house it's the whole pack's house. Everyone in our pack lives there except for Hannah's, Rachel's and your family", he says.

"Well my family are moving in there in a few days", Rachel says.

"And so are my family", Hannah says.

"What, you guys can't move", I say. I can't lose my best friends.

"Hey we'll still see you the same amount of times we see you now, it's just a new house. And when you come over you can meet the rest of the pack but you know most of them anyway", Rachel says.

Okay I guess I'm not going to lose them, thankfully. After school Rachel, Hannah, Damian and I go to the pack house. We were going to open up my presents, which may take a long time. I'll need like a truck to bring them all home. When we arrive there I see some of my friends, one or two of them I didn't recognise. I guess they were right about me knowing most of the pack already.

"So you know now, huh?" Paul asks. I nod.

"Nick, Kevin I'm sorry about yesterday you were just asking if I was okay I shouldn't have snapped at you both like that, I'm really sorry", I say.

"It's alright Amber, you were right to react like that, it's a lot to take in", Nick says.

"You just found out and were upset, it's fine", Kevin says. I'm glad they're not mad at me.

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