The Plan.

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Chapter 6:

Amber's POV:

I hear the doorbell ring. I hurry to the front door and open it.

"Hey", Rachel and Hannah say.

"Oh hey you guys, what are you doing here?"

"Came to see our best friend", Hannah says. I chuckle and they come in.

"So any guy here last night?" Rachel smirks.

"No, and I wouldn't have been allowed anyway, 'cause my brother was here", I say.

"You can't blame him for being protective, he just loves you so much", Hannah says.

"I know and I love him too it's just he won't even let me hang out with a guy friend without him thinking we're going to do something".

"Actually while we're talking about love, what do you think of Damian?" Rachel asks, as we sit down on the couch. Why is everyone asking me about Damian?

"Well he's hot, really hot".

"Yeah but do you like him?" Hannah asks. He's been really nice to me since yesterday and my feelings for him have changed too. "Amber?"

"Huh, oh yeah. Um.... no you guys know I've always hated him".

"So you still do?" Rachel asks.

"Yeah, he's an asshole", I lie. If only they knew I was in love with him. I don't know why I am lying to them. They laugh.

"Okay then, he is a bit, like the way he treats girls", Hannah says. Yeah that was the only thing I didn't like about him, the way he treated girls. Other than that I would totally ask him out but I don't want to end up with a broken heart again.

Damian's POV:

When I get back to the pack house, Rachel and Hannah were already there.

"So did you guys see Amber?" I ask.

"Yup", Hannah grins.


"She said she hates you", Rachel says. They both start laughing and so do the other pack members near us. I growl at them and they stop.


"I'm sorry Alpha but that's what she said", Hannah says.

"She just doesn't want anyone knowing her true feelings", I mumble.

"Sure", Devon says sarcastically.

"Don't make me kick your ass", I mutter. Devon rolls his eyes. "I've done it before and I'll do it again". We've got into fights before and of course I've always won them, I'm the strongest pack member. Devon's the second strongest, he's almost as strong as me.

"Why can't you just get it into your head that Amber doesn't want you! You're used to girls wanting you the whole time and now you know what it's like when a girl doesn't want you. She didn't want you before and she still doesn't want you now, just get that into your head", he yells, then storms off. He shifts into his wolf and runs off.

"We have to go", Rachel says quietly. Everyone leaves the room, no one stays in the room with an angry Alpha unless they wanted to get hurt. Okay yeah, I'm used to getting what I want and this is the thing I most want and I can't have it. Of course I'm fucking pissed off, the love of my life really does hate me. And what happens now? We're both going to die because she doesn't want to be with me. If she knew that I loved her and needed her maybe she'll reveal her true feelings for me. I hit the door with my foot and it breaks into pieces. My father rushes into the room.

"Calm down, Damian," he says. How do you calm down after finding out your mate hates you? I grab onto the table and it breaks too. "Damian, stop!"

"Shut up, Dad!" I growl.

"You need to calm down before you break more things, you might hurt someone." A few of my friends come in and try and calm me down. That doesn't work, when I'm angry I need to take it out on someone. I storm out the front door and shift into my wolf. I run off and the others run after me. After a run I shift back.

"Damian, she just needs time, it's only been two days", Paul says.

"What if she never loves me", I say.

"She's your mate, of course she loves you. She can't help it or stop it, that's the way it is with mates", Nick says.

"Yeah you're right", I say.

"Now come on, let's go back", Jason says.

"But I don't want her loving me because we're mates and we have to, I want her to love me for me".

"And do you love her for her?" Kevin asks.

"Yes, I've loved that girl for years, she's the only person I've ever loved. I love her smile, eyes, hair, body, personality, face, everything about her. I couldn't say anything, Devon would kill me", I say.

"You've been in love with Amber for years?" Simon asks with disbelief.

"Yes, the only thing that's changed during this mate effect is that I want her more, the love I had for her is still the same. I need her so bad", I say.

"Then why have you been sleeping around for like the past three years?" Paul asks.

"I just wanted to have a bit of fun before I found my mate. I don't like the way I treated all those girls but what's done is done", I say.

"Look Amber will love you for you, she just needs to get to know the real you, give her time", Kevin says.

"Thanks", I mumble. They pat my back and we go back to the pack house. When we enter some people were cleaning up the mess I made. "I'm sorry, I'll clean the rest".

"No it's okay, we'll do it", my Mom says. I sigh and go up to my bedroom. I'm a bit embarrassed about my outburst earlier on but it's what I do when I'm upset and angry. What am I going to do? Well these were the things I had to do:

1: Apologise to Devon.

2: Get Amber to know the real me.

3: Ask her out.

4: Tell her about werewolves.

5: Then live happily ever after.

I hope it's as easy as it sounds. But I have a feeling it's going to take a long time but I'll get there eventually, I hope.

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