when your child says they like you better

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[with: toji, choso, nanami] f.

-> NANAMI doesn't let it show too much when your child says they love you more, trying to brush it aside as one of those things they say they don't actually mean, but still its lingering in the back of his mind- so much so that even you notice the slight downturn of his lips "ken' what's on ur mind?" "nothing" "don't pull that with me, come on- what's up?" he frowns as you lower yourself to sit in his lap, legs dangling to one side as he wraps his arms around you, resting his chin on your head "c/n said they liked you more" "no wonder, i'm awesome" "not helping" he sighs, pulling away, frown only growing "did i do something wrong?" "babe- you just aren't me" man resists the urge to fling you off him "y/n" "what?" "you're lucky i love you"

-> CHOSO dude is absolutely devastated on the inside but he's trying to keep it together on the outside "and why's that hmm?" to that, your child just shrugs and continues babbling, eating the food in front of them while choso looks miserable, wondering how you're their favorite parent- like, he even sneaks your kid extra sweets after dinner every so often cause he likes seeing them happy- and this is the thanks he gets? mans is not having it- wandering into the bedroom to see you lounging on the bed, legs propped up with a book in hand "y/n?" "yeah" you frown, looking up from your book at the gloominess in his voice "what's wrong?" "c/n said they like you better" you can't help but snicker, watching his frown deepen at your reaction as he crawls on top of you, resting his head in your lap as you play with his hair "you know they don't mean it right?" "yeah bu-" "no buts, just cause they say they like me more doesn't mean they love you any less- tomorrow you could be the favorite, who knows" he hums in response, still staying in your lap as he comes up with a plan to win your kids favor, cause come hell or high water, choso is gonna be the favorite parent

-> TOJI just smirks when your child proudly announces you as the favorite parent, babbling on and on about just how amazing you are. yeah, sure- he's hurt, but he knows you aren't going to be the favorite for long as he reaches to pull your kid out of the high chair, holding on to them as he lifts him up above his head and then all the way back down in giant swoops- your child giggling the whole time, toji also having a bright smile plastered on his face "hey squirt, who's your favorite now?" "daddy!" "that's right-" putting down your kid, he kneels down in front of them "and who do you love more?" "y/n!" "dammit c/n- we've gone over this-" "dammit?" oop-

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