subtle affection that makes them melt

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[with: geto, todo, kamo, choso] f.

-> GETO smiles as he feels your fingers interlock with his, the warm weight of your hand resting steadily in his palm- he loves that no matter where you are, your hand always seems to find his like magnets, be it when you both are curled up in bed, your head lying on his chest, hands locked together resting right beside your head or out in public, pinkies interlocked, squeezing each other every so often. you don't even need words at this point, the soft nudge of geto's hand against yours, what seems accidental to most, is notion enough for you to grab his hand in yours, a soft smile always gracing his features the moment he feels your hand tighten around his

-> CHOSO leans his head back against your leg as your hands sift through his hair, hands delicately gathering up a section to tie up before moving to the next "does this look good?" you pull back as he lifts his head up, moving in front of the mirror, fiddling with them slightly before turning back around to you, a soft smile stretching his lips "they look great" "good" you smile back as you watch him walk closer, resting his hands on your hips as his eyes gaze slightly above yours "ok its my turn" "your turn for what" "to do your hair" pls- this man has talent- let him

-> KAMO lets out a soft sigh, hand trailing lightly down your side as he watches you sleep on top of him, his shirt fisted up in your hand, your legs and arms tucked up against him "y/n?" "–" "y/n?" he feels you shift on top of him, nuzzling your head as closely against him as you can as he lets out a soft chuckle, lifting up a hand to rub your back. pressing a soft kiss against your head, he pulls you closer against him, savoring your warmth as his hand idly moves from your lower back, up through your hair- the methodical movements helping lull him to sleep

-> TODO smiles to himself as he picks the sticky note off of the door frame, recognizing your hand writing immediately, eyes already glancing over the note. "hey aoi, just wanted to let you know i had to leave early buuutttt i have something you're gonna like- what's the difference between a snow man and a snow woman? ...  snowballs.  love you<3″ his smile grows as he chuckles to himself, adding the sticky note to the little stack he keeps of all the ones you've written, already grabbing a new one, writing out his reply, to leave for you

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