~peter part 3~

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i'm going to put this here before so people can see it. if you're thinking about requesting please read my a/n on requests. i'm really bummed i can't take anymore but i will get back to you all as soon as possible!! anyway, heres the requested part 3. hope you all enjoy this mini series as much as i do!

this is incredibly long...

we had been splashing around in the water for a while, and we were all drenched.

'where do you suppose we are?' edmund asked.

'yeah,' i spoke up. 'i'm a little confused too.'

'where do you think?' peter laughed, not really answering my question.

'yes but, i don't remember any ruins in Narnia,' said edmund. i had never heard the word Narnia, so i had no idea what it meant, nor what it was.

peter looked at me, and it seemed like he had just realised how confused i must have been.

'come with me y/n, i'll explain it to you', he told me. i smiled back at him gratefully.

while the the rest of the pevensies made their way towards what i guessed to be a ruined castle, peter gestured for me to walk with him. 

'so,' he started. 'this is an extremely long story, and some parts of it you won't understand which is why none of us told you about it before.'

i nodded to show my understanding.

'so basically we're in Narnia, which is sort of like a country i guess. it's like a magical place.' i understood what we he was saying, but i had trouble really believing it.

'we have all been here before. we got here through a wardrobe.' he looked at me, and i looked back in confusion.

'yeah, i don't really understand.' i told him.

'well we didn't either at first. when we got here we met beavers. like the animals. they were talking and everything, i guess every animal can talk here, but that's not really the point.'

i found myself wondering what the real point was.

'they told us about this prophecy thing, which i guess is like a glimpse into the future. that's the easiest way to explain it. it told the people that lived here that four children were going to show up one day and save them from the white witch. oh yeah, there was a witch.' he looked back at me now, giving me time to take it in.

'well of course there was a witch, it would be silly if there wasn't' i laughed, trying to ease myself into whatever this was.

'yeah,' he laughed. 'anyway, the witch was called Jadis, and she had set an eternal winter to everywhere in Narnia. meaning it was there forever, it would never go away. so they basically thought we were the four children to come and save Narnia. we were, i mean we did. but we obviously didn't think it at the time.'

'okay so, you saved Narnia from the witch. how did you do that?' i asked him.

'well there was this big battle, and we were totally outnumbered and everything. but i ended up against Jadis by myself. it was a really tough battle and of course, i had just learned how to fight. we ended up winning the battle and we took back Narnia.'

'great ending, but how did you fight her? was it like how you fought people in the train station?' i asked, and he laughed again.

'no, we used weapons. not like guns or anything, although those would have been helpful. we used swords and shields and archery sets. it was hard as i only had a couple of days training and everything. i ended up winning, which was totally unrealistic but i wasn't complaining.'

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