Chapter 1~ Video Game Madness

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    How did I get into an anime and what happened before this whole crappy yet mysterious situation. Well I ask this question to myself almost everyday.  For the first question I have absolutely no idea. And if I did, I would probably post it on social media.  As for the second question well, it all started on a normal Tuesday. My parents weren't home and I was on the couch watching a new anime my friend recommended.  I heard a bang and the next thing I knew is that I woke up in the famous Ema Hinata's house. The protagonist of the anime, "Brother's Conflict."

Of course I was shooketh but, got used to it in a few days. A week later we're on a taxi going to the Asahina home. One of us knowing what's going down and the other being completely oblivious of the whole step-brother love thing.

Now enough backstory let's go to the actual situation.

Ema had woken me up in the taxi and we had to get off.  I had payed 10 bucks to the taxi driver leaving me now broke.

"Asshole," I mumbled stuffing my change back into my now almost empty wallet.

Ema in front of me slowly turned her neck and said, "What did you say?"

"Oh it's nothing to worry about Ema" I had said to her. It would be better not to corrupt an innocent girl... again.  

We walked around town as a certain video game store sale suddenly stopped me.  Ema stopped and looked at me angrily,

"No (Y/n) you are not going in."

"But whyy?", I whined. I had to get to that store whether we were late or not and I would not let some dumb reverse-harem anime protagonist who doesn't know how to defend herself piece of shit stop me.

I ran towards the store but Juli as the ratty squirrel he is stopped me. I almost gave up and then realized that he was a SquirreI.

"I'm so dumb sometimes", I said to myself.

 I jumped over Juli and ran as fast as I could. I got some people staring at me like I was crazy but who cares.

"HA! YOU WILL NEVER CATCH ME!", I yelled triumphantly and loudly to Chii and Juli.

"Are they shooting a movie or something?", I heard a passerby say.

"Maybe they're reenacting a scene from a book or a fanfiction?", said another.

I chuckled softly and kept on running.

I then turned around quickly and realized that I was surrounded.  They had ganged up on me! 

"I will remember this!", I said to Chii and Juli.

 I only had two choices.

To fly or to run around them. I couldn't fly so I picked the latter.

I had finally gotten to the store and then something horrible happened .

An employee then came up to the store and put up a sold-out sign. I was now in a pit of despair. 

"Come on let's go", Ema said.

My heart slowly started breaking. I so wanted to add another video game to my collection.  Another game to play my heart out and lose sleep with. I imagined all the good times I could of had with it. Then I finally said it. 


More like shouted it but whatever.

"Goodbye My babies I'll miss you!"

"See that wasn't so hard", Ema had said.

Juli looked at me with a disgusted face. He looked as if he was judging me and I was offended. We both started staring at each other after a few long seconds Ema opened her mouth.

"ok what are you doing?", She said in a slightly confused tone.


"Are you having a staring contest?"


She then said,

" Could you please blink already we're going to be late!"

Once our staring contest was over He started chattering at me. ( I won)

"Great now I have to deal with Juli's anger. Good job me." 

And now I have a scar on my face from a rabid animal.

A/n: I don't know about you guys but I would love to get into an argument with Juli it would be funny to see him mad. Also yes I did use the Falcon and the Winter staring contest scene. You should go check it out it's a really good episode series.

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