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Monokuma's POV.

I slammed my hand on my desk "Dammit no deaths has happened!" I shouted. I began writing down things that could be good motives.

"Hm, the mastermind wouldn't mind if I switched someone back to their pregame selves, right?" I asked myself, "That's a great idea!" The mastermind exclaimed as she clapped her hands together. I smirked and saluted her before turning on my mic.

"Everyone get in the gym we have a new motive that's gonna be great!"

Kokichi's POV.

" Everyone get in the gym we have a new motive that's gonna be great! " I heard Monokuma announce. I sigh and get up from my bed, walking toward the gymnasium.

When I got there, everyone was already there. I put on my regular mask and threw my hands up.

" So what're we doing dear Monokuma! " I exclaimed I heard groans from some others. He popped up and I could see him trying to roll his eyes.

" We're going to give someone their pregame memories back! " He shouted, " Pregame? " Miu repeated. Monokuma nodded, " You before the game. I have this wheel and whoever it lands on should come up here! "

Monokuma spun the wheel, which landed on Saihara-chan. I looked at him nervously, he returned the same look as he stepped on stage.

The bear sat a helmet on his head and turned it on. There was a short scream before Monokuma turn the thing off.

"What did you do to my sidekick!" Kaito shouted, "pupupu, don't worry I didn't hurt him or anything!" He exclaimed.

When Monokuma took the helmet off Saihara-chan he seem different, too different. He huffed from annoyance.

"Where the hell am I- MONOKUMA!?" Shuichi suddenly shouted making everyone flinch back.

"Oh my god I'm such a big fan can I hug you?!" He asked, Monokuma laughed as he opened his arms, "Anything for a fan" Shuichi hugged the annoying bear then turn to look at me.

"Kokichi, my beloved! I'm so glad we both got in!" He said as he walked toward me. Every step he took forward I took one back.

"Dear, come here" he said. I heard a small bit of anger in his voice and walked toward him, he hugged me tightly and whispered in my ear.

"You broke a rule, you'll have to be punished later" Fear shot through my body but I tried to remain calm, " Whatever you say".

" Sideki-" Kaito was cut off, " Don't talk to me you little shit" Shuichi cut him off. Kaito looked taken aback.

" Oh yeah, Shuichi, they don't remember anything that happen before this so why don't you tell them! " Monokuma said. Shuichi nodded and smiled brightly.

" Okay, let's start with Kaito, Kaito you were a bully towards little Kichi. You'd chance him with a bat and break his limbs, hell you even made him jump once! " Shuichi explained. Everyone stared at the astronaut in disbelief.

" Why would you-" Rantaro said but was interrupted, " Don't you start, Rantaro you were also a bully, all you would do was grab his hair and throw him in lockers, you too Kaede"

" Gonta you were like Kaito but you threw Kokichi off the school roof once" Gonta looked like he'd cry, " I'm sorry Ouma! " He exclaimed. I nodded and continued to listen to Shuichi.

" Tenko, you were obsessed with men and I'm not even lying when I said you did some... Stuff... To my beloved. " I soon realized what he meant and looked at Tenko with scared eyes. There's no way this can be true right!?

" Himiko, you were just full of energy, Kirumi, you were lazy, Ryoma, you got expelled for killing a teacher Angie, you always said stuff like God wasn't real" They all nodded.

" Korekiyo and Miu, you were the only friends of Kokichi, besides me obviously. Korekiyo your sister is a bitch, that's all I can say, Miu, you hated explicit jokes or anything that had to do with sex. " Miu scoffed at herself and Korekiyo just nodded.

" Maki, you were insane, that's all I can say" Maki seemed surprised.

" And Kokichi, oh poor Kokichi. Your mom had died. She was the only one that cared for you besides your siblings. They were also in a Killing game, one actually died and the others left! Your dad became abusive and would do so much to you. Soon I caught you before you tried to kill yourself and I got you to live with me. We stayed in an abandoned house together! Just you and me! Soon we went to school and all these classmates bullied you! I couldn't stop them!" Shuichi explained, sounding excited with some sentences. I was horrified. I nodded and started to walk away when Shuichi grabbed my arm.

"I told you you'll be punished~ I might as well tell you the rules again" He said. I gulped and tensed up as he walked me toward my dorm.

"W-what do I need t-to do?" I asked. Saihara-chan snickered before grabbing a bat and hitting my arm, hard. I heard a crack and tried to conceal my screams, incase he did something else.

"Now, fix that up dear. I'll tell you the rules afterwards" I nodded and walked into my bathroom. I grabbed some bandages and wrapped it around my broken arm.

"This'll have to do" I whispered to myself. I walked out and Shuichi pat my bed, ordering me to sit. I did as told.

(After 104 rules and consequences to each one)

"Have a good day dear!" Shuichi said before slamming my door shut. I gulped and looked around my room in fear.

I looked at the time and saw it was about time fore lunch. I walked out of my room and sat down at a seat with everyone else. I was inbetween Shuichi and Miu. I tried to eat my food but I continued to see Shuichi's gaze on me. It made me uncomfortable but I didn't do anything.

Suddenly I felt his hand on my thigh. I started to sweat and look at him with pleading eyes.

"Please stop." I said in a stern voice, Shuichi huffed but didn't let go, "I said, please stop" I repeated. Maki stabbed her plate with her fork.

"He said stop!" She yelled, Shuichi gave her an annoyed look and let go, I smiled at her as a thank you. She nodded and continued to eat.

"You know I only want to protect you, right?" He said, "That's why I have to many rules" I shook my head, "They make no sense." I said, he chuckled.

"But they'll help you, don't break them, you'll die if you do and if you die, I die." I looked at his with slight fear.

"You don't want to be why I die right?" He said, I shook my head quickly, " No of course not! " I exclaimed. He smirked at me, " Good".

" Hey, Kokichi what happened to your arm? " Himiko asked, I felt Shuichi grab my wrist that was under the table. His grip slowly tightened, " I just tripped no need to worry! " I exclaimed. I threw my remaining food away, " I'm not too hungry anymore, cya! " I started skipping away.

As soon as I knew I was out of sight I started running, I ran till I found my dorm. I tried to put my key in but my shaky hands stopped me. Suddenly I felt breath on my neck, " You did good at lying dear" Shuichi whispered into my ear. I nodded and thanked him. I finally got my key in and unlocked my door.

" I-I'll see you later! " I exclaimed before slamming the door in his face. My breathing was quick as I slid down my door. I buried my head in my knees as I tried to calm myself down.

Shuichi's POV.

After my beloved shut the door on my face I left smiling, I've broken him before, I can do it again.

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