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TW: considerable assault (?), and forced relationship.

May I say that I do *NOT* romance assault in any way nor would I make fun of it. If you do that you're fucking disgusting and the world hates you.

The only people that are allowed to do that are the people that have delt with it and *only* if they're making fun of their own problem as a coping mechanism. I'm someone that does that.

Like I've said, Kokichi doesn't like Shuichi but Shuichi is obsessed with Kokichi. however he doesn't go far because he's not that fucked up.

Kokichi's POV.

It had been two days since me and Shuichi had spoken. I've managed to keep myself away from him so I could have time to find the mastermind.

I looked at my board and crossed our dead friends out and looked at the others. I was able to cut a few out. The only ones I had left were

Himiko, Tsumugi, and Korekiyo

I didn't want to believe any of them were the mastermind but I had to go by facts and logic. Korekiyo always stays in the library and is always reading. I never get a close look on what he's reading but it could be either anthropology or something else. Tsumugi always disappears in the middle of things. She could be talking to Monokuma at those times. Himiko could be fake sleeping and actually communicating with Monokuma through telekinesis.

"The only way I can find out is if I get close to them all" I said to myself. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" I said without looking away from the board, "Darling~!" I heard Shuichi call out making me tense up. I sighed and looked at him with an annoyed face that covered my fear.

"Yes?" I said, "I want to show you something I did!" He exclaimed. I nodded and followed him into his room.

"W-what am I doing here?" I asked as I looked around. He locked the door and leaned against it. It made me nervous, knowing I had no way of getting out.

Shuichi gave me a calm expression as he moved from the door and cornered me.

"Uh... What?" I asked receiving a chuckle in return. He gently lifted my chin up with his hand.

"I lied, there wasn't anything I wanted to show you. However, I want you to be my boyfriend. You can't say no, if you do then someone might die~! And you don't want someone to die right? Especially if it's Angie right? She's been the kindest to you so I'd kill her" I gulped. Would he really kill Angie if I said no? Why would he do that! He'd kill himself in the process! I can't take any chances though. Angie's like a sister to me.

"I... Alright" I mumbled. He squeezed my cheeks and made me look him in the eye, "What? I couldn't quite here you dear, learn to speak up" he said with a sigh. "I said okay".

Shuichi's eyes sparkled and he clapped his hands together, "Oh this is great! My soulmate loves me! " That was a lie. I didn't love him. I hate him. I fear him.

I gave my now boyfriend a fake smile. "Can I leave now?" I asked. He rolled his eyes, "Fine, but let me tell you something first." I nodded.

"You now sleep in my dorm. I don't want you in anyone else's dorm after the night announcements. If you are, you'll suffer the consequences." I nodded and slightly shoved Shuichi out of the way before opening the door and leaving.

I took about four steps out his dorm when I felt a tight squeeze around my wrist making me tense up and pull away.

"Let's go tell the others beloved!" Shuichi exclaimed before dragging me into the dining room.

What's up with you!? (Pregame Shuichi)COMPLETEOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora