TW: Harm

Warning: ! spoilers !

Kokichi's POV.

"A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time a class trial will begin!" Is what I heard on the speaker as me and Shuichi walked down the hall, "Oh look at that our first murder!" Shuichi exclaimed. I silently nodded in return. Shuichi grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the place where the body laid, Rantaro's body.

I looked at Rantaro with a bit of saddness but tried to conceal it. Shuichi clapped his hands together, "Aww look at that!" He exclaimed receiving glares in return.

"How can you say that!" Kaito shouted, Shuichi rolled his eyes, "Shut it asshole" they began to argue, "Why don't we just find the culprit? Goddamn" I said making the two stop.  Kaito nodded while Shuichi said, " Of course beloved! " I huffed and we started looking for clues. After a while we started the trial.

(After the trial because we already know)

Kaede was executed, forced to play a large piano while hanging. I silently cried for a moment before I felt a hand on my cheek, "Don't cry dear, she was a bitch anyway" Shuichi said in a calming tone, "Shut the hell up" I said sternly, I just lost a friend and he expects me to not cry? Suddenly his golden eyes turned a blood color pink.

"That's a rule broken dear, you don't tell me to shut up" he said, I soon realized what I did. Dammit! Like this I'll never find the mastermind! I tried to run but Shuichi grabbed my broken arm, making me cry out in pain, earning the attention of others.

" Whoops! Didn't mean to grab that arm, just come with me" He said, I nodded and wiped my tears. As soon as we were out of site I was slapped and a punch in the stomach, making me bend over in pain.

" That's what you get, now, you better see me at dinner you hear?" He said. I nodded and he left for his dorm. I laid there for a while and ended up falling asleep till I was brought back by non other then Angie Yonaga.

"Aria says it's time to wake up! Aww what happened to your cheek?" She asked in her normal cheery voice, I'm glad she's friends with me.

"Oh, it's nothing, probably where I fell heh..." I lied, she didn't seem to believe it. Soon I realized everyone else was in site too, everyone but the dead and Shuichi.

"He hurt you didn't he? That's obviously a hand mark" Maki said, I shook my head, "I must've done it myself, trying to get myself not to cry" I said. They seemed to buy that one a little more.

"Let Gonta help you!" Gonta said, I nodded. He helped me up and we walked toward the dining room, "What time is it?" I asked.

"Around four thirty " Kirumi replied. I nodded and sighed in relief, I have to be with Shuichi at six.

"Beloved! what took so long?" Shuichi said just as I turned the corner, "I-I had f-fallen asleep, I-I'm sorry!" I said quickly. He glared at me but smiled, "Alright then" he said. I nodded and me, Angie, and Gonta started walking away.

"Oh and Kichi" Shuichi said, "Yes?" I asked, "I manipulated Kaede to kill Rantaro" he said in a teasing manner. My eyes widened and I started to cry again.

"Y-you did what?!" I exclaimed, covering my mouth when I realized I raised my voice at him and cursed under my breath.

"Angie take Kokichi away from Shuichi, Gonta will take care of it" Gonta said as he noticed my tense posture. Angie nodded and took my hand "Let's go to the garden!" She exclaimed.

As we turned the corner I realized we weren't going to the garden, "Angie this is the wrong way" I whispered.

"I know! Atua says we should go to my dorm instead" she said, I nodded. She unlocked her dorm room and let me in first. Her dorm was a Hawaiian them. It looked calming no wonder she's always in a good mood. She locked her door and smiled, "He can't get us now!" She exclaimed. I nodded and sighed, relaxing my tense posture. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"It's Kirumi, may I come in?" Kirumi asked, "Of course!" Angie exclaimed. Kirumi walked in and smiled, "How are you Kokichi, Angie?" She asked, "We're good! Hiding from Shuichi because Kokichi accidentally yelled at him" Kirumi nodded, "Well, dinner is ready" she said.

We nodded and got up, heading toward the cafeteria. Shuichi, of course, was already there.

"Beloved! Come here!" He exclaimed, I hesitantly nodded and walked towards him. God he scares me, one wrong move and your in pain. Kirumi handed us some food, "You better be in my room by nine tonight and if you aren't someone might die" Shuichi whispered in my ear sending fear through me, "Okay" I said quietly. He smiled and continued to eat.

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