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I forgot who discovered the body and stuff and I'm sorry please just bare with me here-

Also I did move the places the bodies were found to better fit the story.

Kokichi's POV.

My eyes fluttered open and I looked around. I was in Angie's dorm. Wait... I was in Angie's dorm. Shit..!

I hopped out of bed, falling in the process from the covers. I noticed there was a note on the nightstand.

Hey Ouma-kun! Just to let you know, I'm going to the kitchen with Tenko. I promise I'll live keep you safe from Saihara. I love you!

I covered my mouth with my hand. She would've been back by now. I untangled myself from the covers and ran out the door.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit! I can't let her die! No no no no no no no no! Please!

I ran down the hall toward the kitchen and saw what I never wanted to see. Tenko and Angie's dead bodies.


I fell to my knees and let tears fall from my eyes, sobs and screams escaping my mouth. The others ran in and the first to join the crying was Himiko.

"T-Tenko!" She exclaimed. I pulled her close to me and we cried on each other's shoulders.

"Oh no! Someone killed the girls!" Shuichi said in a mocking tone. I glared daggers into him, "You did it didn't you!? You told me that if I was in someone else's room after the night announcements that person would die and you knew it was Yonaga! You just killed Tenko to hurt Himiko didn't you!? " I shouted. Shuichi put on a fake offended face.

" I had to! They were going to hurt me! " He exclaimed, fake tears filling his eyes.

" Cut the crap Shuichi" Kaito said sternly, "Holly shit Shuichi you were a cold bastard, killing the only people Kokichi and Himiko cared about" Miu said surprised.

I brushed Himiko's hair with my fingers and tried to shush her even though I felt like screaming too. She eventually calmed down and started falling asleep.

"Shuichi wouldn't kill anyone, he'd use someone to do it, who was it Shuichi? Who did you manipulate?" I asked. He snickered, "That's for me to know and you to find out~!" He said.

I held Himiko tighter and let a few sobs escape my mouth. I couldn't insult him, knowing what'd be coming for me.

"L-let's investigate..." I mumbled. The others nodded and started looking for clues.

Time skip

"Korekiyo's the killer!" Kaito shouted, he didn't say anything, he just nodded.

"I hope you're happy now Shuichi" he said. Shuichi clapped his hands together, "very!" Kiyo was shaking and seemed like he was crying.

"W-Why'd you d-do it?" Himiko stuttered, "Shuichi promised he would leave you alone, Himiko, I loved Angie and you were her best friend. For me to keep you safe I had to kill the person me, Kokichi, and you love most. I'm so sorry" he explained, starting to cry. I gave him a sympathetic look.

"I... I forgive you" I whispered, I could tell he was smiling from under his mask.

"I hate to cut the cute stuff but IT'S PUNISHMENT TIME!" Monokuma announced before hitting his red button with his hammer. Korekiyo was taken away and boiled. He was boiled because it was an execution strategy and he'd killed about 90 girls for his sister.

We all walked back toward the dining room to get breakfast.

"Beloved!" Shuichi exclaimed. I stabbed my fork into my plate. I was pissed. He just killed my sister like figure and my friend's girlfriend.

"What?" I asked, "I'm only doing this to protect you" he said once again. I'm beginning to not believe it. He kept pestering me until I finally had enough.

"SHUT UP ABOUT ANGIE YOU ASSHOLE!" I shouted as I threw my chair at him. Everyone turned to face us. It took me a second to process what I just did.

"Shit..." I whispered under my breath, "oh you're about to get it!" He shouted before getting up, wiping his now bloody nose, and choking me against the wall.

"Shuichi!" I heard Maki call out, he continued to choke me. I tried to pull him off with my weak hands but was unable to. I closed my eyes and waited for death.

Fortunately, I fell to the ground. I opened my eyes to see Kaito next to Shuichi's limp body, "Go hide in my dorm" he whispered, I nodded and ran toward Kaito's dorm. I hid in his closet and kept my mouth covered. I closed my eyes and tried to calm my breathing.

After a few minutes I heard footsteps in here, "Kokichi~!"

Another cliffhanger 😃

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