Chapter 15- The Right Time

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*Special Chapter*

"I don't think it's the right time," Mrs. Brady says. She and her husband are sitting out on the porch of their house. Sundays in the small town of Granville are almost always quiet. Exceptions being the Sundays when there are family get-togethers and parties. The sun is scorching hot all day, making it known that the summer is in full swing, so the Brady's take advantage of the cool evening breeze.

"It's never going to be the right time is it, Maria?"

She shoots him a look that speaks volumes. "You really think I don't wanna tell her? God knows she would be here more often." She shakes her head as if to clear it. "But it can't be now, Jorel. Not yet. Please, trust me."

Jorel sighs heavily and takes his wife's hands in his. Squeezing them gently, he says, "You know I do." He presses a kiss to her cheek.

She smiles. "Now let's focus on the birthday surprise."


Vanessa sits around her round marble top island in her kitchen going through some files she needed to get through. She spent four years in college learning marketing management. She loves it but she also loves the idea of staying home and making money so her job was an online advertising agent for AdsOn advertising agency.

"Lee, come here," she calls. Lee enters the kitchen wearing nothing but his jeans that hang low on his waist. His hair is a blonde mess as usual and Nessa smiles at the memory of being the one to make it that way just moments ago.

"Yea, but do you think that's a good idea?" He speaks into his phone, holding up a finger to Nessa. "Okay. It's your choice," he says. Then hangs up.

Vanessa raises an eyebrow.

"Work," he replies. She narrows her eyes at him. "It really was this time," he defends. Ever since their best friends broke up, Lee has been giving Marcel advice on God knows what almost every day. She always insists on being in the know despite Lee's attempts to hide whatever they talk about from her.

"You know I can tell when you're lying, Lee. But this time I'll let it go. I have work to do."

He smirks. "And what kind of work do you need me for?"

"Not whatever you're thinking." She laughs. "Look at these. Which do you think screams successful law firm more?" She shows him her work. They're designs for a billboard for a multi million dollar law firm with a very high success rate. She got really lucky with this deal and messing it up isn't an option.

"Uh, the one that doesn't scream?" Lee jokes. He grows serious when Nessa glares at him. He points to the one he thinks is best then gives her a kiss on the forehead. She blushes profusely as he heads upstairs to get dressed for work.

She still hasn't gotten used to the idea of being with Lee for more than a month. It's like a dream she didn't think would come through. She wonders what changed but she doesn't want to ask. Not until she sees how far he wants to take their relationship.

There hasn't been any other girls. She's been assured that a hundred times by him, by Marcel and by the people he works with. Just last night he took her to a music video launch where she met his co-workers and some artists he produces for. She saw him in foreign territory and she loved him even more for showing her that side of his life.

The ringing of her cell phone pulls her from her reverie and she hurries to answer when she sees who it is.


"Where the hell are you?" Nessa yells.

"I guess I have the right person," a male voice says. If she was drinking or eating anything she was sure to choke on it.

"Uhm...who is this?"

"We've met before. It's Nick van-"

"Hale." Oh crap. "Where's Lyn?" She interrupts.

He laughs. "Nice to hear from you too. She's at my place. I thought I should let you know that she's okay."

Nessa relaxed a little. Only a little since she didn't really know the guy. "Oh okay. But uhm...why do you have her phone?"

"Because she's asleep," he says, sheepishly. "She had a long night and I'd rather not wake her."

Nessa, rather reluctantly, agrees. After asking him to tell Lyn to call her as soon as she wakes, she hangs up. She hasn't heard from her best friend since the mall incident yesterday where she came back from her walk with Lee to find a sad looking Marcel and no Evelyn.

She hadn't doubted that Marcel had everything to do with that. After about a dozen unanswered calls from both her and Lee, they decided that she probably just needed some space.

However, Nessa had no idea that that space was Nick's.



So this chapter was a filler. Having writer's block totally sucks. But no worries the next chapter is pure drama.



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