Chapter 8- Break-up Signs

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I sit in the bathtub, warm bubbled water surrounding my naked body.

I have a half empty bottle of wine on the edge of the tub. I know I probably had too much already but with the month I've had I can't be blamed.

I think back to two weeks ago when Marcel showed up here.

What the hell was he thinking? That he could come here and say he loves me and everything will be alright? Some nerve he has.

I hear my cell phone ringing and I immediately know who it is because Marcel hasn't called back since that day. I climb out of the tub to get it then go back in, pressing the phone to my ear. "Nessa, what's up?"

"Oh nothing is up, Lyn. It's all down." She croaks.

"Have you been crying? What happened?"

"It's Lee. I-"

"That son of a...What did he do?" I ask angrily.

"It's more of what he didn't do. I've been getting the signs, Lyn." The signs she's​ referring​ to are what we call 'break-up signs'.

Since we know it was almost a month now since they've been dating, it also means it's close to the end. Lee doesn't date one girl for longer than a month and most of them hadn't even lasted that long.

Sometimes he took a break from the whole 'relationship thing' completely. I shake my head.

"No. Marcel said he changed, that he really likes you." I don't believe the part about him changing but I have​ to offer her some form of comfort and I do believe he likes her.

"That's what Marcel told me too. But if that's true then why has he been avoiding me like the plague all day? Look, I know you and...Marcel haven't worked it out yet but can you please come home? I could really use my best friend right now."

Her voice breaks at the end and I know she's going to be crying her eyes out all night. Without even thinking it over I promise her that I'd be there tomorrow.

After she hangs up all I can think about is how selfish I have​ been these past weeks. Here I am sulking in wine and bubble baths, avoiding my problems while my best friend is going through her own as well. Damn it, Lee! I know my best friend and I know when she's falling for someone. That someone is Lee and he's blowing it big time.

Of course Marcel would say he's changed. He's his best friend and Lee probably told him to tell her that.


I have mixed feelings about seeing him. Will I want to jump into​ his arms and stay there and tell him how much I miss him? Or will I feel like hitting him so hard and throwing curse words at him. I know I have​ to face him sooner than later.

It's Thursday. Which means my 'vacation time' will be over this weekend. Marcel and I both took time off from our jobs so we could sort out our....'issues'. Well that went well. I work at a bank and he works as a construction engineer. Monday we should be going back to work. But am I ready to go back home? With him there?

I'm thinking too much. But my mind will not stop wandering. I finish my bottle of wine and go to bed.


I wake up around eight the next morning. The sky looks a little overcast and it defines my mood perfectly. I get up and go to the bathroom to freshen up then head downstairs.

"You know you'll have to tell her sooner or later. Why not make it sooner?" I hear my father say.

"Tell who what?" I inquire as I take​ a seat around the kitchen island.

"Nothing, darling. Want eggs?" Mom says. Okay.... Somebody's hiding something.

"Err...sure. Blueberry pancakes please. So, Dad. What's Mom hiding?" He looks at her and she answers instead.

"Oh for Pete's sake, Evelyn, it's suppose to be a surprise."

"Oh. Then it's forgotten then." My mother always has something up her sleeves when it's close to my birthday. Well my birthday is a month away but who am I to ruin a surprise for The Mrs. Brady?

As I wait for Mom to finish my pancakes I start up a conversation with Dad. "Where are your peanut butter pancakes?" I'm​ surprised to see that he's having an omelette instead of his usual.

"Ah, I just thought I should change it up. I mean, you never know what can happen, you know? Maybe I get sick and can't eat this stuff anymore or maybe your mother decides to leave me. You never know." He shrugs.

I laugh at that. "Yea sure, Dad. As if you two could ever leave each other. Besides you're both as healthy as horses."

I ignore the loving looks they exchange and begin to tell them that I'll be leaving to check up on Nessa and that I have​ to go back to work on Monday. They ask the million dollar question.

Am I ready to go back home?

Well it was either that or I had to drive for two hours to and from work. No-one is too comfortable with that idea so the decision was made. I have​ to go home.

I finish breakfast and go back upstairs to pack. I didn't take a lot of things with me but my mother is a shopaholic. My suitcases weigh tons more than they did before.

As I get to the suitcase for the shoes, I hear a car pull up in the driveway. When I look outside I see that it's Nick. Deja vu, anyone?

He's carrying a small box in his hands. I go downstairs and see my mother at the door talking to him.

"Oh, tell her thanks, sweetheart. No, as a matter of fact I'll give her a call. Come in, come in," Mom says.

"So tell me. When you're not jogging around town, working out, scoping out supermarkets, or busy being the heir to the multi-millionaires, Cara and Luther van Hale, you're also a delivery boy?" I ask as he put on his million dollar smirk.

"Yes. And, I'd say it's all about time management but no. It's because I'm awesome." I laugh. He is so easy to get along with and be around.

"You can't help but be cocky can you?"

"Nope. It comes with the territory." There is that smirk again.

"I see. I must admit it was nice getting to know you, Nick. You should show people this side of you more often."

At that, his smile fades. "Why does it sound like you're saying goodbye?"

"You pick up fast. I have to go home some time, you know? I have to get back to my job, my friends-"

"Your boyfriend?" He interrupts. I don't know exactly what to say to that. Are Marcel and I still... I don't answer and Nick quickly apologizes for 'being nosy'.

"It's okay. Anyways, I have to get back to packing now so-"

"No. Don't say goodbye, Evelyn. Spend one more day. I'll show you around and stuff. When's the last time you came to this town? A lot has changed." The pleading look in his eyes makes me give in. I agree to see the town with him but I have​ to go home today.

Nessa needs me.

I run back to my room and change into my blue dress, pull on my pair of black boots that reach my knees and grab my black jacket. I catch my hair back into a ponytail and apply some lip gloss.

He gives me what looks like a genuine smile when I get back downstairs. He even opens his car door for me like a gentleman. I bet he thinks that I would give in to his charms.

Well, Nick van Hale has another guess coming.

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