Chapter 4 - Is He Everywhere?

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"Sweetheart, could you run down to the store and get me a few things please. I feel like baking today," Mom says.

I roll my eyes. Is there ever a day my mother doesn't feel like baking?
"Sure, Mom. What do you need?"

"Just some eggs and milk. We're out. Oh and get some peanut butter and orange juice. Your father will be home in the morning. I have to make his favorite."

"Okay." I grab my keys from the counter and drive to the supermarket.

I'm​ still down and depressed about my relationship with Marcel but I can't help but feel the least bit of happiness that my father will be coming home. Mom says he's been out of town for about two weeks now 'taking care of some business'.

Jorel Brady is one of a kind. He could murder an innocent woman and stand in court and make the judge laugh. Okay, maybe that was a bad analogy but the point is he could charm anyone.

There is no doubt he can​ cheer me up a little and even give me some advice. He and Mom have been together for thirty years now. They're​ now in their early fifties but they don't look a day over thirty-five. Dad always joked and said it's love that keeps them looking and feeling young.

Maybe they're​ right but at this moment, I don't believe that kind of love still exists.

I walk through the aisles of Stop 'n' Shop. I pick up the items Mom asked for and a few things for myself and place them in my shopping cart. As I turn to exit the aisle, my favorite ice cream catches​ my eye and I spin the cart around to go pick it up.

"Sorry," I say when I bump into a man who's on his cell phone. He wasn't paying any attention to where he was going.

"Watch where you're going!" He yells. When he looks up and sees me, he immediately whispers, 'I'll take care of it' into the phone and hangs up. "Sorry. You have got to stop running into me like this," Nick says, smiling.

Is he everywhere?

I'm​ about to apologize but then I realize that he had yelled at me at first before he saw who I was. That's how he talks to people? I grit my teeth. "Well maybe you should start paying attention to where you're going," I retort.

He raises an eyebrow at me. "She's sassy too," he says almost to himself with a smirk.

I roll my eyes. Unbelievable. This guy is obviously oblivious to the fact that I am not impressed by his flirting. I continue to move forward to get my ice cream.

"Aren't you going to apologize? You ran into me with your shopping cart, you know?" He blocks my way.

I'm​ about to say, "I know and I'll do it again if you don't move" but I think against it. The more I stand here and sass him, the longer I'll be here and away from my favorite ice cream. "I'm sorry. Now excuse me, please," I say with a fake smile.

He hesitates then moves. I sigh and get my ice cream and leave the store.


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