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Two Years Later


"Hey yourself."

"So... We're getting married," she smiles.

"We're getting married."

"Will you two get a room?" I say loudly. Evelyn laughs as our best friends glare at us.

"He's right, guys. You look like you're seconds away from ripping each other's clothes off," Lyn tells them.

Lee flips us off and pulls Nessa outside. I laugh. I've never seen my best friend so happy and it makes me happy. Plus, I've got the love of my life right next to me, wearing my ring and carrying my baby.

I'm definitely happy.

And if the silly grin she's always wearing is anything to go by, I'd say she's pretty happy too.

"Marcel," she calls for my attention. "She's kicking again! Feel it." She pulls my hand to her round stomach and a surge of emotions overcome me as I feel our baby kicking.

"It's definitely a boy. No girl can kick like that," I tease.

She laughs then sticks her tongue out at me. "Don't be sexist. And I don't care what you say, it's a girl."

We've been having this argument ever since we found out that she's pregnant. Our friends and families are annoyed and keep telling us to find out the sex of the baby but we find it amusing. And we'd rather it be a surprise.

Bending, I put my lips to her stomach and whisper. "Hey, lil guy. Hurry up and get out here so we can prove your momma wrong. She's getting really over confident. Besides, I'm gonna need to begin football training as soon as possible. No time to waste with those skills you got there, kiddo." I kiss her stomach.

When I look up at her, there are tears in her eyes. I begin to worry that she's in pain or something but then she smiles and I know it's the hormones acting up again.

"I love you," she says through tears.

I stand from my crouch and kiss her eyes. Wiping the tears from her cheeks, I look into her eyes. "I love you too but love doesn't begin to describe the way I feel about you, Lyn."

This only causes her to cry more. I laugh at her confused emotions and she smacks me on the shoulder. "Don't say things like that to me while I'm like this, dammit."

"Hey, Mrs. Jamison?" She looks up at me. "Wanna go get some ice cream?"

Her eyes widen. "Now?"

"Right now."

She stops crying and a beautiful smile lightens her face. She pulls on her coat and shoes by the door, bouncing on her feet. I bite down a smile at her enthusiasm.

I open the door for her and she practically skips to the car.

"I don't think all that skipping is good for the baby," I call out, catching our friends' attention.

She merely sticks her tongue out at me again and climbs into the car.

"What's got fat Amy in such a rush? I almost thought the baby was coming." Nessa asks loud enough for Lyn to hear.

"I'm not fat!" Lyn yells, good naturedly. Which is true. She looks small for a six month pregnant woman. But she's conscious about her weight and her best friend likes to tease her about it.

"We're getting ice cream. You guys coming?" I ask.

Nessa looks to Lee and he shrugs. Turning back to me she says, "Uhm....you guys go ahead. We'll be here when you get back."

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