Chapter Eleven

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Third Person's POV:

The next morning when Maryam said goodbye to Cornelia and reached home around 9 o clock, she felt extremely anxious as she entered through the big door held open for her by a butler. "Good Morning, Ma'am." he greeted her which she didn't hear as her mind was so occupied.

She didn't feel anything around her and her senses were not working. The only thing she was worried about was the pictures. Abdullah had seen them. He had replied as well.

But what was his reaction?

As she passed the exquisite, expensive decoration pieces hung at the walls, she ran into a table with a big vase on it. The noise of the glass rocking back and forth due to the impact shook her out of her thoughts and she quickly took it and balanced it.

She turned around on her feet with a relieved look that she didn't break it. Allah knew how expensive it was. As soon as she looked up, she was met with dark green eyes staring at her intently with an indescribable look.

Abdullah immediately looked away when they made eye contact and he adjusted the Rolex watch on his wrist, bringing it closer to his face. He looked quite different with that aloof expression and deadpan look.

"A-Assalam u Alaikum..." Maryam said, startled by his presence. He didn't look at her properly and nodded before moving to the door with a servant bringing his bag after him. That attitude of his made Maryam even more anxious.

"Have a nice day," she wanted to see if he had really changed or if she was just feeling it. His ignorant response gave her, her answer. "Bye." and he left.

Maryam was left shocked. Had she done something wrong? Was he acting that way because of the pictures? But that didn't make sense. Why would he get offended by them? It could just be that he was worried about work. Mr. Wilson did mention that Abdullah was facing a lot of problems and he could use some help so, maybe it was because of that he was acting so strange.

Unwanting to be bothered by it, she couldn't stop thinking about his weird attitude. With that confusion, she left the entrance area and walked to her room which had been cleaned by the workers. Her wardrobe had been arranged properly and the clothes that couldn't fit were properly hung in the bathroom closet.

Maryam thanked Allah that she was living such a luxurious lifestyle. When she thought about that, she forgot about Abdullah. She shouldn't have been so surprised at what happened but maybe she had gotten used to his nice behavior.

She settled down when her phone rang. She reached out to pick it up and saw that it was Amna Saleh AKA her mother-in-law. With a smile, she picked it up.

"Assalam u Alaikum, mom!" she beamed into the phone. At that, the familiar voice that she had been yearning to hear responded sweetly with a "Waalaykum Salaam," like it usually did. No doubt, her mood has brightened and no force in the world except Allah's was powerful enough to make her think about her bipolar husband.

She chatted with her mother-in-law and enjoyed the twenty minutes that they shared. It was soothing and refreshing. The call ended and Maryam looked at the walls of her room and wondered what she needed to do next.

It was a weekend and luckily, she had completed her assignments at the library so she was basically free. She went to the kitchen to the servants and made small talk with them and even helped out with lunch.

It was times like those that she was relieved that they weren't like normal couples or else she would've been tensed the whole day about Abdullah's changed attitude. The reason that she didn't care about it was that they had no such relationship.

Mending You And I जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें