Chapter Thirty-One

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——Third Person's POV——

"Okay, I'll wait for you," Maryam said into the phone, checking out her fingernails, with a poker face. She spoke like it was the most boring thing to do. "Do bring Husna along. She'd like it." she continued, as Abdullah looked at her.

He had settled on the bed after taking a shower and was getting dressed for work, all the while observing his wife as she talked to her mother and invited her to their house. He pulled on his sock when Maryam ended the call with a quick "Allah Hafiz" and put the mobile phone on the dressing table.

She let out a long sigh and leaned on the dressing table for support, putting her hand on her head to show her mental frustration. Slipping on his shoes, Abdullah decided to ask Maryam what happened.

"So, when are they coming?" he questioned. She adjusted her posture and brought life to her tone. "This evening. 5 o'clock. She was saying they would pray Maghrib here." she told him. Abdullah walked over to her, cupping her face with his hand, showing a supportive gesture.

"It's going to be okay. Even if they  do something really stupid, I'll handle it." His voice was soft, like silk from his mouth. She looked up at him with a disappointed look. "But they're not your problem," she muttered.

He leaned in and placed a kiss on her forehead again. "Your problem is my problem." He smiled at her. "Don't overthink it."

She pursed her lips and nodded. "You're right." she brought her hand and placed it over his. "I won't. Thanks for the heads up." Maryam felt refreshed. She gave him a thumbs up and showed him that she was feeling okay. "Just come home by 2 pm today. I... I don't really know how to prepare for guests." she looked down in embarrassment.

He laughed a little. "You don't need to prepare. This house is loaded with servants for a reason. They're going to do everything for you. Even so, I'll be early. We'll do it together."

She blushed a little and wondered how it got that way. When was it that Abdullah became this new version of himself? When he spoke softly and gently with love instead of harshness and coldness. When he was kind to her and not scaring her with threats.

Is that what Noor was enjoying all this time? All that affection, love, and care. If Maryam had known this side of her husband before, she would've fallen for him long ago.

"Okay, I'll be going now. Take care of yourself. And... Uh..." He slowed down, finding the right words to say what he had to. Maryam raised an eyebrow at him. "I've told the maids to shift your things to my room. You can change things around here to adjust yourself." he looked like it was the hardest thing to say.

"Are you serious?" Maryam couldn't help but ask. Abdullah looked at her questionably. "Why would you think I'm not?" he pointed out. She shrugged a little. "I thought you hated when anyone intruded into your personal space, let alone make changes to your room," she explained.

He nodded hesitantly. "I do. I can't stand it. But, for some reason, my heart's telling me to let you in. I don't know how or why but one thing's for sure; you're the only one who's been this close to me." He confessed, his heart beating fast. Maryam was shocked, to say the least.

She doubtfully asked, "Not even Noor?" he stopped for a second and Maryam feared that she had asked a stupid question. But before she could tell him to forget about it, he answered her truthfully. "No." his voice was firm but he looked softly at his wife standing in front of him.

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