Chapter Twenty-Seven

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——Maryam's POV—-

The next morning was dark and cloudy as if a calamity was about to come. I couldn't figure if it was because I was nervous about Tuesday arriving and the grand encounters that were about to take place soon or if it was a sign from Allah to turn back on my decision.

But, I had done Istakhara the previous night and something in my heart was pushing me to continue with my plan. Without wasting more time overthinking, I quickly got ready for school.

Once I was done putting on my maroon maxi and white cardigan with a white hijab, I pulled on my sneakers and rushed out of the room. When I stepped outside the mansion, my face was hit with cold air.

The smell of slightly wet soil and the wet artifacts laying out in the garden seemed awfully pleasant to me. Abdullah caught my eye beside his black car. He waved at me and I walked over to him.

"Want a ride?" he suggested and like it had been a long long time since we were acting like normal husband and wife which, unfortunately, was untrue, I agreed. "Sure."

In the car, I took out my phone and opened the messaging box to Noor. With a deep breath and the awareness that Abdullah was peeking at me, I started to write.

Before I could go back on my decision, I quickly sent the text and in the next few seconds, it had been delivered. I could sense Abdullah shift in the seat beside me as if wanting to say something.

Surely, he had read the whole thing but decided not to ask anything. I thanked Allah silently for that because I had no answer to give him. Things were about to unfold in front of him and he could only wait.

We made small talk during the ride but he didn't tease me like yesterday, which I was disappointed about. It was like I was waiting for him to make another move and express his wish to get closer to me. It was such a wonder how that boosted my confidence to a completely new level.

Maybe that was how Allah created women. Their craving for attention was a big factor in their love for their partners. Even though Abdullah used to be my number one enemy, I was still yearning for his gaze and smile.

"Allah Hafiz. Have a nice day." I was outside the car door when he said that. I nodded and smiled. "Allah Hafiz. You too. Take care." with that, I walked away to the school building.

The stares of the students were very different that day. It was like the world had been turned upside down. I almost jumped when a cheerleader greeted me as she passed. The situation made me vary of my surroundings and I even did something as dumb as asking her if she was really talking to me.

A pat on my back gave me another jump scare but I breathed a sigh of relief when Cornelia's smug face appeared in front of me. "Look at the new popular girl at school~," she said in a sing-song voice that irritated me to the core.

"Don't you know what a normal greeting looks like? Did you really have to scare me like that?" I responded but Cornelia seemed unfazed by my cold tone. "I do but this is much better." she gave a toothy smile and both of us started walking to the lockers to grab our books.

"Seriously." I shook my head at her in disbelief, not particularly disliking her goofy attitude. We were taking out our books when Cornelia's smile faded and she looked like she was about to say something serious. "You ready for today, Mimi?" she asked, concerned. Her blue eyes weren't twinkling so much as usual and it put me in a confusion.

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