Chapter Twenty-Nine

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—— Third Person's POV—-

Maryam couldn't help but think if what she was experiencing was the silent destruction after the violent storm. To her, it seemed like the lavish office she was sitting in was barren and the resultant chaos of the most horrifying scene she had ever witnessed. In her defense, it did look that way.

And Abdullah sitting with a malicious silence didn't make it any better. Maryam looked around the office as if that would help kill her boredom because she definitely wasn't ashamed of what she had caused. Abdullah didn't know that, of course. He had no clue that his wife had done him a huge favor and on his next seven generations by exposing his cheating and lying, girlfriend.

But, Maryam was content with that. She didn't want Abdullah to know anyway because in some way, Noor was asking for it and it was also nature's plan to put her in that situation.

Maryam tapped her foot lightly on the carpeted, soundproof floor which didn't disturb Abdullah's thought process at all. He was sitting on his armchair, holding his locked hands in front of half his face and supporting them by placing his elbows on the table. His eyes were intensely glaring at the poor pile of paperwork in front of him. Maryam thought she shouldn't rush Abdullah to speak his mind after the hurt he went through.

He deserved it too, but it was still hurtful and she acknowledged that.

After a long moment of silence, Maryam couldn't contain herself and ended up speaking. "I wasn't...expecting that." she lied because who could've expected it better than her? Abdullah looked up at her and that's when she saw his darkened green eyes.

They had changed to a completely different color and it actually made her shiver. She predicted he was going to lash out at her but to her surprise, he didn't. "I did." He said distastefully, thinking about the betrayal he felt only a little while ago.

Maryam stopped tapping her foot. "Really? How?" she wanted to act normal so he could be normal too. "I don't know. I just had a feeling that she wasn't honest with me in the first place." He said. Maryam leaned in a little with interest.

"Then why didn't you confront her about it before?" she asked. He shrugged, the same disgusted and uneasy look on his face. "I didn't think it was going to be this bad. I imagined she would leave me soon but cheating? I didn't see it coming at all." He sighed. "Zain was right all along. I was being a fool."

Maryam lowered her gaze and got lost in deep thought. After a few minutes, she spoke up. "I want to confess something." she ran her eyes to him and he looked surprised by her sudden announcement. "What? You want to confess something?"

She nodded. "It's not going to make much of a difference anymore but I think I should get it off my chest." she took a deep breath. Abdullah stared at her carefully, curiosity and worry both evident on his face.

"Noor and I were best friends in middle school and she always liked Damian. No one knows it better than me how crazy she is after that guy. And honestly, she admitted to me once that she wasn't over him despite being with you." Maryam stopped after her burst of words and snuck a glance at him to see his reaction. 

Abdullah was surprisingly calm and collected and there wasn't much difference in his expression. "When did she say this to you?" he questioned, blankly. Maryam fiddled with her fingers. "Just recently..."

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