Chapter 3- Molo

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***Disclaimer*** I might attempt to use some Xhosa (which is the South African language they speak in Wakanda) in this chapter, I'll translate it but I'm so sorry if it's wrong I am using the internet!

Tony was stressed. It wasn't hard to tell. Ever since Steve had left to attend Peggy's funeral.

Arrangements were being made for the journey to the United Nations meeting where the Accords would be signed, but the absence of half the team was a huge blow for him- she could tell.

She busied him with travel arrangements and taking orders to gather intelligence on some weirdo from Queens he'd seen online.

As they journeyed to Vienna for the conference, they were sat on his private plane. He still barely spoke.

"Tony, can't you at least.. see where he's coming from?" She asked tentatively but his cringed at the betrayal, irritation in his eyes, "No Tally, oversight is needed- did you not see what we did in Sokovia."

Her eyes hardened at his tone, "Of course I did, you know I did. I oversaw all the bloody transport aid for six months! I'm only saying this because you've allowed me to be around these people every day, they're my friends now- do you expect me to just hate them immediately?"

"No of course not, I'm sorry just all this.." he trailed of apologetically, downing his whiskey.

"It doesn't excuse you, we're friends too..Sparky."

A small smirk twitched onto his face, "Why do you call me that- cause of the suit?"

"Yeah well that and you're basically just a rich engineer, it's something we call a mechanic?"

He laughed, "That's what I should be calling you then- have you fixed my R8 yet?"

She scoffed, shrugging her jacket off to remove her gun holster, "Do I look like I've had the time? You could do it in ten minutes if you wanted to you know."

"I know."

She rolled her eyes.


It was stiflingly hot, she had stationed herself near a window, watching all the world leaders and politicians buzzing around, shaking hands. She'd already clocked all their bodyguards and security, they looked like absolute buffoons in thick dark suits and sunglasses. Inside?! She preferred clothes a bit more stylish and comfortable- and less ridiculous.

She texted Steve, asking how the funeral went, and how he was. They were good friends, but she worried  what would happen to their friendship now, in all the division.

Looking up, she noticed a young, handsome man, in a form-fitting navy suit, who looked comfortable and nervous at the same time. Like he'd had all the training but was new putting it into practice. Natasha managed to sneak up on her (again), "That's Prince T'Challa, son of King T'Chaka of Wakanda, who will speak today."

"Hmmm, they look...regal? Have you spoken to them?"

She shook her head, "No, but it looks like we are about to." For T'Challa had noticed their attention and was making his way over.

"I suppose neither of us is used to the spotlight."
He addressed Natasha with a clear accented voice, smooth and soft.

She smirked, "Well it's not always so flattering."
They chatted for a moment laughing until he turned to Talia, "Apologies, we have not met?"

Talia grinned in an easy going manner,
"Molo, Igama lam ngu Talia Scott, ndiyavuya ukukwazi."
Hello, my name is Talia Scott, pleased to meet you.

He blinked, the only surprise he would show. Natasha's eyebrows were raised, she spoke many languages, but not Xhosa.

"Uyakwazi ukuthetha isiXhosa?"
You speak Xhosa?

She chuckled, "Ewe, kancinci."
Yes, a little.

"Uvela phi?"
Where are you from?

"Ndivela e...Yintoni England ngesiXhosa?"
I'm do you say England in Xhosa?
Sorry like I said, I only know a little." She finished, for Natasha's benefit.

He smiled bemused, "It's impressive though, it is so rare to find someone outside of Africa who speaks our tongue, and so well? How did you learn?"

Her face tightened slightly, "When I served in Iraq, there was a man in my unit from the Eastern province of Southern Africa who had migrated to England. I befriended him and it was a way to pass the time, him learning more English and well, I tried my best." She smiled sadly.

Natasha nudged her, "Who knew you had so many secret talents." T'Challa nodded in agreement, before turning and calling over his shoulder,"Baba, you must meet these two." To Talia's shock an older, wise looking man approached them, clapping a hand over his son's shoulder.
"Ms Romanoff." He nodded to Nat.

Natasha immediately straightened up, "King T'Chaka, please allow me to apologise for what happened in Nigeria." Talia nodded.
"Thank you," he replied gravely turning to Talia.
"And who are you?"

She bowed her head, "Molo, Kumkani. Igama lam ngu Talia Scott, ndixole...I don't speak Xhosa very well. I work for Tony Stark, he's around here somewhere."

Good afternoon, your Majesty/King. My name is Talia Scott, forgive me..

He beamed at her masking any surprise, "Your Xhosa is excellent dear! Ndiyavuya ukukwazi."
Pleased to meet you

"Ndiyabuela, ulwimi alwanelanga tu."
Thank you, one language is never enough.

"Indeed and thank you for being here today- you will sign the Accords?"

Her smile flickered, "I would, but I'm not actually required to, I'm just here working, for Mr Stark."

"Ah," he nodded in understanding, turning to Natasha, "I'm sad to hear Captain Rogers will not be joining us today."

"Yes so am I."

The loudspeaker rang out, "Everyone please be seated, this assembly is now in session."

Talia slipped away, taking her place by one of the huge windows, keeping an eye on proceedings as King T'Challa began to speak, as well as the opposite building windows. T'Challa took his place near her, smiling.

As the king continued, she saw movement out of the corner of her, some officers were walking towards a van. She watched in as the men opened up the back- which she couldn't see- and turned to shout. Even from here she could see his face.

It all happened in a split second. She didn't hesitate.

"EVERYBODY GET DOWN!" She screamed as she ran towards T'Challa, pulling him to the ground just as a huge blast exploded, shattering through the great windows.

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