Chapter 16- Campfire

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She kept her distance ever since that ... embarrassing day, ignoring the guard's occasional gossip of the White Wolf, and his gruelling mental recuperation, focusing instead on her own training, which was, ...coming along slightly.

The sheer will that it took to harness her fiery power, and keep from burning herself up was intense, and took up most of her time and strength, and by the end of each day she often just flopped onto her bed dramatically, only to be dragged into the lab or off to explore some part of the city by an enthusiastic Shuri.

By night however, she did sleep better, nightmares attacking fewer and further between, and when they did occur she took herself off to the calm fields Okoye had shown her, guided by moonlight and watched over by the stars as she soothed herself with the silence of the night.

Until one night, the usual darkness was broken by nearby low flickering light, emanating faintly from the camp where she'd crashed into Bucky just over week ago, and she found herself getting up. Drawn like moth to flame, closer to the source.

Passing through the now empty area, any children or locals vanished back to their homes nearby.

She tried not trip on the dusty stones in the dark, as she slowly made her way to what appeared to her now as a crackling campfire, burning a few metres away from the largest of the couple of the circular huts in the small area.

A hunched figure sat facing away from her, and she stopped at the sight of him.

Awkwardly she coughed, not wanting the super soldier to psych out on her if she surprised him.
He flinched visibly, whipping his head round from where he'd been staring into the flames intently to face her.

"Hey." She whispered softly, not wanting to break the silence harshly, she walked around him, his eyes glued to her moving figure as she took a seat on a log around the other side of the fire.

"Hello." He greeted finally, his voice hoarse, and she noticed the sheen of sweat that clung to his pale skin, glinting in the flickering light.
Strands of his hair rested haphazardly, ruffled around his shoulders, like he too had just rolled out of bed.

"Couldn't sleep?" She enquired simply, cursing herself inwardly a the obvious nature of her question.
He just shook his head, "No, you?"

"Nope." She huffed, with enough frustration for him to look at her and notice the dark circles that lingered under her eyes, matching his own.

"Bad... bad dream?" He rasped curiously.

She averted her gaze, staring into the fire, it's flickering orange light glowing in the reflection of her eyes, "Yes."

Silence fell as he digested her words, ...and she didn't try to fill it.

"Me too." He admitted quietly, at last.
She looked up to find him staring, at her now intently.

"Yeah, I erm... sometimes get them."

He just nodded, shivering slightly and pulling his blanket closer, wrapped up in his own troubling thoughts.

"It's nice out here. Like the rest of the world disappears, it calms me down."
He nodded again silently.

"He nodded again silently

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