Chapter 5- Bird Costume

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Steve, Sam and T'Challa were loaded into one truck, and her and Bucky into another, him in a big fish tank though, she just sat handcuffed.

He didn't particularly look like he wanted to talk, so she just looked at him instead. His hair had grown a lot longer than the picture she'd seen. His face was the same, but completely different simultaneously. There was a lack of hope and more despair in his bright blue eyes, and a shadow was cast across his face, he looked tired.

Yawning, she turned her attention from the brooding man  to the guards sat across to her, with Barnes's bag and her own stuff, "Did he have anything to eat," she jerked her head to the cage, "I'm starving."
The guard scoffed, rifling through the rucksack, he pulled out a small bag of plums.
"Perfect." She grinned lazily, "pass one over here."

The guard chuckled and just ate one before passing them around to the others. She growled in the back of her throat, her hunger was no joke. Turning she met a now angry gaze of the ex-HYDRA assassin, "What do you want me to say- he's a prick."

He said nothing.

"Plums though, interesting choice. Been having any memory problems? I think I read somewhere they help." She was joking but his eyes snapped up to meet hers, "Oh shit, maybe I really did read that somewhere, huh."

Silence passed. The guards were chatting to the driver in German, disinterested in her babbling.
The Winter Soldier remained silent, she grinned internally, wondering how pissed off he'd have to get, to speak.

"I like your arm." She said sweetly in a sing song voice, and could've sworn he choked incredulously, "What's it made out of- titanium maybe?"
Nothing, he just blinked.

She grinned devilishly, "Mine's made out of titanium" she waggled a leather gloved hand at him.
That got a reaction out of him, he followed her gaze, staring at her covered hand, she tutted, "Don't stare, it's rude you know."

He gave her look that seemed to say, what have you been doing for the last ten minutes then.

She just chuckled lowly, crossing her legs and leaning back, closing her eyes, "You know I wouldn't  eat those plums if I were you, sometimes I wish I could forget."

The silence continued, but she felt his curious gaze.


When they arrived, her surly dark-headed companion was extracted in his cage, so she just
looked at him, and waved goodbye. Before walking to join the others.

"What's gonna happen to him?" Steve asked, of the small greying man before them, next to...oh for god's sake, Sharon was here.
"Same thing that outta happen to you." He replied, "Psychological evaluation.. and extradition."

Talia grinned, relieved she wouldn't have to talk to a shrink, clearly Tony had pulled some strings. Carter spoke then, "This is Everett Ross, Deputy Taskforce Commander."

Talia glanced at the silent Wakandan king beside her, but he didn't meet her gaze, as Steve asked, "What about a lawyer?"

The prick snorted, "Lawyer, that's funny." and nodded to guards around him, "See their weapons are placed in lockup, don't worry we'll write you a receipt."

"I better not look out the window and see anyone flying around in that." Sam said, disgruntled, and Talia handed her guns, and the knife she kept in her boot, to one of the guards, who hesitated looking at her glove, "What?" She asked snarkily, "You wanna take my prosthetic limb, gonna make a woman disabled, huh?!' He seemed terrified and scuttled off, "Asshole." She muttered under her breath, following a snickering Sam and and a curious T'Challa.

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