Chapter 12- Birnin Zana

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One year later.

Tony was back with Pepper.

She'd been delighted to see the ginger-haired woman return to his daily life, organising him better than Talia ever could.
But she felt slightly like a spare part, these days Tony didn't actually need a bodyguard, or a driver for that matter- he was Iron Man after all. Now he didn't even really need her.

So she asked for extended leave, something he granted immediately, if slightly confusedly.

She needed to just get out, go somewhere new and recalled Steve's last words to her on the phone, and booked a plane ticket straight to Wakanda, something that was much more difficult than she had imagined, finally managing to secure herself in a tiny 6-seated biplane that she could catch once in Nigeria.

During the 2 most terrifying hours of her life, bouncing around the tin can like a yo-yo, they landed, on a hot dusty airstrip, empty and barren, save for the sleek black sports car that she admired as it purred towards her, a tall lethal looking woman, with a shaved head exited the driver side, and stood next to the car, her silver jewellery gleaming in the sunlight.

"Talia Scott." She greeted her, face impassive, "I am Ayo, of the Dora Milaje. King T'Challa has sent me to retrieve you." Without waiting for a response she got back into the car, leaving Talia slightly bewildered and sweaty in the sun, before quickly snapping out of her haze and hastily making her way inside of the car.

"Can I drive?" She grinned cheekily at the woman, in appreciation of the engine as she slid into the passenger seat.
Ayo just looked at her blankly, before revving that engine, kicking sand from the wheels, and speeding away.


She'd never seen anything like it, they'd driven past a deceptively looking poor province, but the people seemed happy and healthy, before entering what appeared to be dense undergrowth of the jungle she'd seen on all the maps and research, driving so fast at it Talia feared for the car's bodywork, but when no branches and twigs scratched and scraped the bonnet, she peered her dark eyes open to be met with the sight of a great city, Ayo sniggered at the look on her face.

The Golden City was highly developed, with many towering skyscrapers. However, it's a city that had clearly not forgotten its cultural heritage, and the modern buildings sat side-by-side with monuments and ancient looking temples.
Pedestrians wearing beautiful brightly coloured clothes walk along commerce-filled streets that are car-free except for the occasional appearance of (buslike) shuttles.

All encircled by an impressive looking transparent dome, which Ayo begrudgingly explained protected them from the outside world- she clearly didn't understand why Talia was being brought into their safe haven, and neither did she herself to be fair.

Decelerating gently, with precision Talia admired,  they pulled up in front of a large, towering white building, grand in its own right, shining brilliantly in the blazing sun. She looked to the silently seated warrior for confirmation, but she said nothing, waiting for her to get out.

So she did, lugging her small bag with her curiously, and feeling very out of place, peering around the empty square.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry I'm late, damn. Brother will not be happy with my manners."
A small skinny looking girl, dressed in modern white clothes giggled and she sped walked out from the huge doors to meet her.

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