Chapter 9

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It's been a week since I left Nathan's house. I hate to admit it but that man managed to claw at my walls and hurt me. When I agreed to this marriage, I didn't consider what I was getting myself into. I was just happy that my grandparents were happy, that I was no longer burdening them. But now I realised how much this has affected me. My deep desire and hope for a family- something I lost a long time ago- is being abused, by a husband who didn't care about my wellbeing, didn't even, didn't even respect me. On the first day of our wedding I realised my husband was a player and didn't have any intention of having an actual relationship with me, but I always thought that in the long run we would get to know each other and maybe even become friends, or atleast live in a cordial relationship, where he would respect and understand me. But that day, dinner with his parents, I realised that the man never respected me, we could not be friends when he was looking forward to humiliating and insulting me. That day I snapped because of how he treated me. I couldn't live with him any longer. For my own sanity and peace of mind, I need to separate my life from his. I've been broken many times before because I was too careless, easygoing and naive and let people take advantage of me. I can't have that again. I must be cautious.

I'm on a plane to California, for a case along with my PA, Joshua and my associate, Claire Scott. The entire week I was living separate, Nathan didn't even bother to call or check on me. What else was I expecting from him. So I didn't bother to inform him that I was leaving the state either. Why should I?



One week has passed and Hailey still hasn't come home. She sure is one stubborn woman. Not that I mind it. With her gone, Hannah has been here more often.

I still didn't get why she left though. If this was a plan to get my attention, then she's gonna be so disappointed. As far as I can see mom said nothing that was wrong or offending. She's just overreacting. But then she had the nerve to insult mom in her own home. I had to call her and apologize for Hailey's behaviour. She was so upset, it made me angry at Hailey.

Today my grandfather called. He and grandma wanted to have dinner with me and Hailey over at their place. I just hoped it goes better than the last time. I called Robert, my PA, and asked him to leave a message with Hailey's PA, Jack, Jacob whatever his name was.

I came back home, expecting to see my wife as I told Robert to tell her to be here so we could go together. But there was no sign of her. My phone rang and it was Robert.

What he told me left me furious. Apparently, Hailey decided to take a trip to California and didn't even bother to inform me. Now what was I going to tell my grandfather? I already agreed to this in the morning. If I showed up now, in the evening, telling them Hailey couldn't make it, then they'd get suspicious as to how I didn't know my wife left the state.

Damn this woman! She just had to make my life harder.


I showed up at my grandparents place ready with an excuse for Hailey's absence. I wouldn't tell them that she isn't in the state. I'll just say that she's caught up with work.

I entered the house, surprised to see that my parents were also there. My grandma came to greet me, pulling me in a hug.

"Where's Hailey, Nathaniel?" My grandfather asked looking at the door for my wife.

"She couldn't make it," I told him "got caught up with some urgent work in the office."

Dad and grandma seemed upset. My mom breathed a sigh of relief. Couldn't really blame here there. But grandpa simply narrowed his eyes, seemingly not believing me. I gulped. My grandfather was a tough man to fool. Thankfully, he didn't ask any questions.

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