Chapter 34

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Angrily, I drove to the one person I knew I could rant out my frustrations to. I rang the doorbell and waited for the person to open up. And when he finally did, sleepily rubbing his eyes, I pushed him aside and stormed into the apartment.

"Hailey?" He asked sleepily. "What are you doing here so late?"

"I need a place to crash," I told him. I couldn't go to my penthouse as Nathan knew the address and if he decided to follow me in his drunken state, I wouldn't be able to fend him off.

"Make yourself at home," Harry said and sat down on the couch.

"I'm going to kill him, I swear," I huffed.

"I'll have to find a place to burry the body then," Harry sighed.

"He's an ass," I told him barely containing my tears. "I hate him so much."

"Come here," Harry motioned for me to sit beside him and I sat down next to him only to be pulled into a deep hug. I buried my face in his chest, breathing in his perfume while letting my tears fall freely. He comforted me and let me cry my eyes out. When he had finally soothed me, he got me a glass of water and let me calm down.

"What did that ass of a husband of yours do now?" He asked.

I then told him all about taking Roman's case and the lawsuit against Nathan's girlfriend's company and Gina's return and Nathan's accusations. I was so sick of all that was happening.

I told him about our argument today. Of how he accused me of being a cheater.

"So let me get this straight. The cheater accused you of cheating?" He said laughing.

"It's not funny!" I whined. "He even had this look of disgust on his face as if the idea repelled him."

"Such a hypocrite!" Harry continued laughing. "If I were there, I wouldn't mind punching some sense into him."

I shot him a disapproving glare and pinched his fist which was wrapped around my shoulder. Harry had a short temper and very often in college was involved in physical alterations that landed him in trouble.

When I got to the part of his take on what happened with my previous relationship with Roman, Harry had to interrupt me again.

"Whoa, is this guy for real? Where did he come up with such a bizzare story?" He was staring at me in disbelief. "You cheated on Roman? And faked your pregnancy? He must be high."

"Well he was drunk,"

"No, a drunk person doesn't come up with such a wild, twisted story," Harry stated. "See, I know a really good psychiatrist. You should get your husband checked up."

"Are you making fun right now?" I accused. "I'm serious, and you're not listening to me!"

He held up his hands. "I assure you I'm a 100 percent serious. Our dear Nathan really does need to be treated by a good psychiatrist. He definitely has problems thinking with his head."

I leaned into him and put my feet up on the couch, resting my upper body in hia arms as they wrapped around me, holding me secure.

"I can't understand how he can be so good to me at one time and then suddenly start a fight the very next moment," I sighed. "Like one day in Greece, we were having fun and roaming around, he was being all protective and caring and the next day he was being distant and cold, making nasty comments."

"I guess he is bipolar," Harry said.

I hit him on the chest. "Stop playing doctor and tell me what I should do!"

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