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tiktok: thewalkingwattpadwriter


I was walking for a good 5 minutes until i saw a 'cave' type thing a few meters in front of me. My eyes lit up like a child who had just been given ice-cream. I walked forwards and directly in front of the cave. I smoothed my hand along it before looking around to finally spot an entrance.

A look of surprise over-took me when i saw one. I looked around to see if anyone could see me and if i could see anyone, but there wasn't anyone there apart from the trees surrounding the forest. I smiled at my discovery and walked in, being careful not to alert any animals or creatures living in the huge cave.

I finally got to the "main" part and i gasped a little, amazed at the sight. I ran my palm on my hand along a couple stones and smiled before putting my hand back down. The top of the cave was open and you could see the moon and stars shining in, making it 100x better to see.

I then noticed a 'shelf' sort of and it had a glowing blue crystal type rock on. I raised an eyebrow in curiousness and walked towards it. But before i could pick it up i heard rustling from behind me, and suddenly sensed a presence behind. I raised my shoulders up to my neck.

I froze in my spot before turning around slowly to be met with yellow and gold eyes of.. WOLVES?!?

I gasped and stood back, making sure that i didn't come out as a threat to them. I looked around and the whole cave was full of them, some were Werepups and some were teenagers. They hissed at me and i stood back again. One came closer to me and stood in front, the wolves behind her still hissing and growling, being protective. I tried to take a step back but was met with a chest of somebody else.

I froze in my spot and squinted my eyes shut before opening them again in nervousness. My hand was shaking and my eyebrows were furrowed, what if they hurt me!?

"What do you think you're doing trespassing on Werewolf territory?" the male wolf growled into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"I- I," i began to stutter then let out a breath i was partially holding, trying to pluck up the courage to speak normally and show confidence, i sighed before continuing, glares still pointed at me, "I was walking through the Forbidden Forest looking for my phone that i dropped and saw this cave, i wanted to check it out, so i did, I never knew that this was wolf territory-," i was cut off by the girl in front of me.

"Pfft. You clearly knew this was Werewolf territory and still came lurking, in hope to seek revenge after what we 'supposedly' did to your town! You spite bitch!" the girl yelled, growling at the end of her sentence.

"I promise you I didn't know-," I was cut off by someone pulling my bag off of me and throwing it to the ground and started searching through it. One of the Wolves pulled out my slushy and others pulled out my candy bars. My stomach rumbled rather quietly, causing a few to look my way. Of course, Wolves can hear everything. A Werepup grabbed the slushy cup and started drinking it. His face soured but then quickly made a face of joy as he began to drink more. I smiled a little at his excitement before gulping as i realised i was being watched.

My breathing quickened, making me look around, my hand was shaking viciously, making the girl in front and the boy behind me exchange looks before looking at my hand then back to me.

She scoffed, "Stop playing innocent." she growled then signalled to the rest of what i guessed was her pack, "Wolves!" she paused, the wolves looked at her with eagerness, "On my command-!" she growled making all of the Wolves eyes to turn to yellow and gold again. They all growled at me, even the one behind me. My breathing was ecstatic and i held my chest as i could almost not let air pass my lungs.

wolves ↢ (Wyatt Lykensen X OC)Where stories live. Discover now