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Willa howled, calling me back to the den, "I need to go, I'll see you later little pup," I grinned at the nickname and i winked at her.

"Bye, Night Wolfie!" she yelled after me, laughing.

A huge grin spread across my face, I had finally done it, I had kissed the girl I liked.

I ran into the den, out of breath but a grin still spread wide across my face.

"Wyatt-," Willa paused, noticing the smile on my face, she narrowed her eyes a little, coughing a little to snap me out of my trance. My mind was replaying the kiss like it was a fight scene in a movie. I looked up, meeting her eyes, "what was wrong with that white haired girl? You know, it wasn't just Addison who figured it out."

I raised an eyebrow, "One, her name is Anastasia, two, it doesn't matter now, it's sorted." I answered her question. She groaned and rolled her eyes, hating how she wasn't told. "Plus, we need to figure out why she has that bracelet." I added.

Just then something started rattling, there was only a few in the den now due to it being extremely late. Most Werewolves and Pups were in their rooms, sleeping. It was only myself, Willa, Wynter and William out.

We poked our heads up, looking in the direction of the rattling.

The crystal?

Willa and I looked at each other with concern, signalling the other two to come over to where we were standing.

The stone stopped rattling, we all let out a breath of relief.


We looked closely, it'd changed colours.

The once light blue, oddly shaped crystal, changed colours to a very bright green.

"I told you that white-haired girl tampered with it!" barked William, snarling a little. I clenched my fists, No she didn't. "She is pretty cute if I'm being honest though, she can," he paused, making sure we were all looking, "get it if you know what I'm saying," he winked, and licked his bottom lip.

I growled and pounced on him, clawing him once on the cheek. Willa and Wynter shrieked, pulling me off of him.

"What the FUCK! Willa tell your brother to chill the fuck out!" yelled William.

Willa pushed me away from William as i tried to lunge for him again.

"Let me at him!!" i shouted, intimidating him.

"WYATT!" yelled Willa at the top of her lungs, I looked at her, my eyes a bright yellow, "What the heck were you thinking!" I clenched my fists, William spat out blood to the floor. Wynter was looking at me with fear.

"Fucking prick, say anything about her like that again and I'll-," i began but Willa cut me off.

"You'll do nothing, get out of the den, now." she growled, i looked at her, my eyes flickering from yellow to their usual hazel.

"Willa- I- You can't be serious! You can't! He was talking about her like she was a piece of scum!" i raised my voice.

"Out! I'll deal with him. I'll see you at school tomorrow, go anywhere but here. I don't care where. We'll talk in the morning, text me if you need me. Now go, you could've killed him!" a small tear rolled down my face, my twin sister, our alpha, was kicking me out because i stuck up for her.

"Whatever." i said sternly, running off towards the main town of Seabrook.

I only knew two houses.

wolves ↢ (Wyatt Lykensen X OC)Where stories live. Discover now