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I lifted up her wrist to inspect this pearl bracelet she had on. That's when i realised.

The bracelet she had on wasn't a normal one, I had to get back to the den and tell Willa now, but first say farewell to Anastasia, and more importantly ask where she had gotten it.

"Uhm, where did you get this?" I asked quickly, turning a little more 'stern' than I intended to.

"I don't know," the white hair shrugged and I looked down to meet her beautiful blue eyes, "When i was born someone gave it to me, I've had it on ever since." she stated, not taking much realisation of its worth, and stepping through the gate that led to main town. I gave a confused look and let go of her wrist before speaking up again, getting impatient as Willa had just howled, calling me back.

"Uh, I need to go, I'll see you soon Ana-," I replied quickly and didn't finish my sentence before rushing back off to the wolf den.

I rushed through the forest, trying to be careful of my surroundings before catching my arm on a tree branch. I wined a little before looking back at the branch; There was something.. colourful? I carefully walked up to it and grabbed it off the tree. 'Seabrook High'. It was one of the two girls' name tags from either earlier or from just recently with Anastasia. I held it close to me, then up at the moonlight to take a closer look. Odd.

I pocketed the small tag before running back to the den, my worker outfit trailing behind me in the wind, but still clinging to my body as i ran.

As i got there, Willa yelled, "Wolves! He's back!" signalling the wolves that were in their mid-teenager stage to crowd around. I took off my glasses and hat and passed them to a slightly younger wolf in our pack. I sighed, taking off the uniform. I don't see why i have to wear a hat AND glasses. It just made me look dumb. I swiftly ripped my uniform off, not ripping it as it was just a costume and was made for that to happen.

Underneath i wore a purple top, a signature colour to the wolves, and my regular jacket, which had two wolves teeth on the right side and a pocket on the left, as well as patches of fur on my shoulders. All wolves wore something like this, it wasn't a necessity, but we wore it anyway. It symbolised our pack in a way. 

I turned to Winnie who passed me my moon stone necklace, hanging it around my neck

A moon stone necklace is what keeps us wolves, making us our true selves. They have been apart of Werewolf culture for years. Except, when our moon stone looses it's charge, the Wolf in which the necklace belongs to dies, and becomes very sick in the process. This is why we are on a mission to find the moon stone. Seabrook settlers hid it from the Wolves as we first came into town, therefore that's why we have for longer than a century been searching for the hidden object.

I then turned to Wylson who painted my two triangles, or wolf teeth, onto my left cheek. Willa, my older twin sister, was claimed the Alpha. This made me the beta, hence why she has three strikes, and i have two. Still, symbolising how our pack works and has worked for centuries.

I gave a hiss as the moon stone's power coursed through my body, making the energy inside me charge up. My eyes turned yellow during this process as i turned to Willa.

"Before that outsider interrupted our pack and our meeting, what did you find out?" Willa said, rolling her eyes at the word 'outsider'.

"They saw you howling Willa." I snapped, pissed at how my sister ruined our secret. I searched through my pocket and pulled out a drawing i ripped down from a piece of wood. I had saw the little girl, Zoey i think it was, putting it up. She looked eager to find a 'Were-friend'.

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