Chapter 1: Ohana means family

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Misery loves company

Chapter 1:Ohana means family

Hey guys. I'm back with another story. It is another sad one kind of but I swear my next story (which I'm also working on and so excited to release it) is a bit more light hearted. I added happy scenes which I hope helps. I really hope you enjoy reading this and if you don't then that is totally okay to. Thank you so much for trying it at least. I would love to hear your feedback in the comment section or even on my Instagram which is tania.bazinga .tbbt28. I will be releasing every Monday and Wednesday and I just want to give a quick thank you to everyone who constantly pushes me to write and is my motivation when I have none as well as to those who constantly talk about my writing and stories giving me their feedback and sticking around. I appreciate everyone who reads this and I hope you love this as much as I loved writing this. Okay okay I will let you read now :)

"The best kind of people are the ones that come into your life, and make you see the sun where you once saw clouds. The people that believe in you so much, you start to believe in you too. The people that love you, simply for being you. The once in a lifetime kind of people."
Amy's pov:

I sat on the edge of the bathtub waiting for the seconds to turn into minutes. It was slowly passing by while I waited for the irritating sound that normally comes from my phone every morning to wake me up from my peaceful slumber but this time I couldn't wait for it to go off. It took even slower to get by like it knew it was wanted all of a sudden.

I tapped my fingers impatiently while I could hear the girls on the other side of the door. It felt like Deja vu as I remembered myself in the exact same position almost 5 years ago. Leonard's radiant smile popped up in my mind. I couldn't believe how fast time went by. It was like it was only yesterday I was standing on stage with my loving husband accepting the Nobel prize. Everything changed that day forward.

I stared at the stick lying on the bathroom sink and couldn't believe the power such a tiny thing had. It had the ability to change your life and your future . It was capable of leaving you happy, disappointed, scared or even overwhelmed.

I didn't know how Sheldon would feel about it. I was sure he would be happy about it because he was more eager on the idea than I was but something in the back of my mind kept asking me ,what if he wasn't ? I shook it off as I tried to drown out all the negative thoughts. It will mess up with our work schedule and our routine but imagining this tiny little thing in my arms I couldn't help but smile.

I didn't know what the future would hold which made me scared but I knew one thing and that was that I wanted this.

My thoughts were finally interrupted by the sound I have been so eager to hear. The irritating alarm rang on my phone and I switched it off while taking a deep breath before checking out the life changing plastic stick.

Bernadette and Penny kept pacing around in Penny's and our old bedroom. It was now Rajesh's apartment but he allowed girl's night to be here while the guys night was next door and sometimes he would join us.

I came out of the bathroom and showed no expression on my face. There was no emotion to help indicate if the girls should cry, laugh or scream. The girls stared at me with a confused expression waiting for me to reveal something until a small smile arose while I held up the stick so they could see what it said.

"I'm pregnant" I said as my smile grew even bigger.

We all looked at each other before screaming from excitement and joy. Bernadette and Penny hugged me still squealing.

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