Chapter 6: The night before the day

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Misery loves company

Chapter 6: The night before the day

Hey guys :) So you aren't going to like me that much this chapter but I needed to do this chapter because it reveals important things for later chapters. I promise the next chapter will have Sheldon and his dad. I want to start posting on Fridays to so let me know if that is something you want.

A special thank you for all your love on my story. Reading your thoughts and love for it make me so happy. You guys continue to motivate me to write.

P.s This story can be sensitive for some people but this chapter isn't to sensitive.
There is always a slender wisp of hope hanging to the hinges of the door to your heart. There is always a chunk of melancholy whipping against the window panes. You have to decide whether the glass is too fragile or the hinges too worn out or neither.-Bhumika Singh

"You know what Sheldon forget it ."Howard said irritated before storming off.

"No no you said what you said so explain what you mean by it."Sheldon said following him.

"Okay then try understanding this. I know we all tease each other but you always seem to disrespect my job and me not having my doctorate. It offends me because this is something I truly love and you don't support me because why ?you don't respect engineers ?" Howard said going off only getting angrier.

"I don't disrespect your job. I think you are quite amazing at your job and your job is not my job but it isn't the worst job."Sheldon said.

"Wow Sheldon really you don't disrespect my job but you still continue to mock it. "Howard said getting more annoyed now .

"Well Howard I disrespect the fact you don't have a PHD not the fact that you are an engineer. "

"Like that makes any of this better ? I don't need one therefore you are disrespecting my job. "

"You are not understanding Howard. If I am honest at first I did think having a doctorate determined who you were as a person. I thought people's opinion didn't matter if they didn't have one but I slowly learnt that I was wrong when I met you and Penny. Clearly people can be a different kind of smart like Penny is smart with people which I don't have. "

"Oh so the great Dr Cooper doesn't excel in everything. What a surprise!" Howard said sarcastically.

"Sarcasm? " Sheldon looked at Howard who rolled his eyes and he took it as a yes before continuing," What I am trying to say Howard is that you underestimate yourself. You think you don't have to get a doctorate simply because it isn't needed for your job. "

"I do not underestimate myself Sheldon. I just don't want to get my doctorate. "

"And why is that ? "

"I don't know okay I just don't want to."

"You were more than willing to when you took my class but you quit."

"Because you were driving me insane making me less of what I actually am. If someone is underestimating me out of the both of us then it is you."

"You are right. I never responded to how I felt in the right way. I thought teasing you and mocking you would make you more willing to work for it to prove me wrong and I would gladly be wrong for that."

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