Chapter 12: Losing hope on the unknown

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Misery loves company

Chapter 12:Losing hope on the unknown

Thank you so much to all who support my story and a big thank you to Mariana who has supported me since day 1 of this story  and I'm privileged to call my friend  as well as Sophia who has been my motivation at times when I have lost motivation as well as been there through all my ups and downs no matter how crazy and is still my friend. I love you both so much and also a big thank you to one person who knows who they are who has stuck around since my previous story and you have been my inspiration to many chapters and kept me writing. Thank you to all of you.

P.S: This chapter may be quite sensitive so please be aware.

"I don't know why we all hang on to something we know we're better off letting go of. It's like we're scared to lose what we don't even really have. Some of us say we'd rather have something than absolutely nothing, but the truth is, to have it halfway is harder than not having it at all"- Meredith Grey

Penny's pov:

I woke up to the sound of my phone
ringing. I put my hand on my bedside table to feel for the phone in order to stop the irritating noise. My eyes battled to open as my body begged for more sleep. I answered it not checking who it was as I put it on my ear.

"Who do I need to kill to get some sleep around here ?" I said as my voice still sounded groggy

I heard Amy giggling on the other side," I'm sorry to wake you Penny. "

"Amy ? What's wrong ? Did something happen?" I asked getting worried.

"No nothing happened just want to get to the hospital early before the surgery with everyone so we can give Sheldon a proper send off into surgery. "

"He is going to be okay Ames. He has to be okay. "

"I hope so. I...I can't lose him, Penny. " She said as I heard her voice crack slightly but before I could say anything she continued," Leo wants to come with. He is determined to come with but I don't know if that is a good idea. "

"We are not losing him Ames. He made it this far for a reason. Bring Leo with. You will need him and he will need you. It won't help him to wait at school endlessly to find out what's going on."

"I know but what if we lose him Penny ? I don't want Leo to find out from a doctor. " She said trying to cover the tears in her voice.

She was nervous and scared which I understood. I was to but she had so much to lose. I couldn't stand the thought of losing my best friend. I refused to think like that.

"Ames honey. It's okay to be scared of the unpredictable. The unknown but Leo needs to be there. He is a Shamy child. He is Sheldon's and your child so him being stubborn runs in his blood. He isn't going to take no as a answer. This is his father and you can't protect him from all the bad in the world even though you want to . He needs this as much as you do. Let him come with. "

There was silence on her side until she took a big sigh before replying," Okay I will bring him then. Thank you Penny. I appreciate this even though I broke the calling before 11 rule. "

"You are my best friend. You can always break the calling before 11 rule but just try not to do it often okay ? Because I actually love my sleep. "

She gave a laugh now which I was so glad to hear then I heard Mary talking over the phone now.

"Amy , are you sure you are okay ? "

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