forty one.

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Paris, France

Tour with the boys has taken me to many places, some of which I've been before, and some of which I've always wanted to see. Although I've been to Paris more times than I can count, Emma and I walked around as if we were tourists while the boys were at soundcheck. Right after we got back from this café we found, we went back to the hotel to change clothes again and ran into Luke, Calum and Michael. Literally. They were running down the halls from their rooms to get to the elevator before the doors closed.

In somewhat related news- well actually not related at all, I caught Gemma and Ashton snogging backstage after 5sos opened with their set. From the way Gem reacted I get the feeling she didn't want me to know. Well Johnson and I already figured out they were doing it a long time ago, but she doesn't know that.

Harry doesn't know. I know he doesn't know because Ashton and Gem practically begged me to not tell him. I've honoured that wish the last few days, but I literally don't think I'm capable of keeping that from him any longer. He'd talk about something Gemma said to him and then I'd start laughing. I'm good at keeping secrets I'll admit, but H is gonna find out soon and I don't know what he'll do to Ashton considering he's his good friend and Gemma is his sister who he is very protective over.

Speaking of things I have to keep to myself, I think the boys need a break. Desperately need a break. Zayn and I had a long conversation on the bus when we were driving to London. I asked him if he was okay because I noticed all the little things he'd do, things I do when I get anxious. I don't know how long he's been suffering with anxiety and trying to hide it from the boys, but I told him he doesn't need to hide it from me since he's not ready to talk about it with the boys. I get why he's not comfortable to talk about it yet, he doesn't think they'll understand. I can't blame him for that. I just really hope it gets better for him.

In other news, we're now in Milan, Italy. Tonight the boys are performing one of th

"Angel," Harry's voice interrupts my writing as he enters from the bathroom into our room. "What're you writing?"

My eyes trail down his entire body, completely out of my control. His hair is wet from his shower, water dripping down his shoulders and onto his chest. The black ink on his skin make him look like a literal work of art. One of my favourite tattoos of his is the butterfly right above his abs. God he's just so hot I'd let him fuck me right now if he wan-

"Angel." Harry's voice once again interrupts me, this time my thoughts. My eyes snap up so fast to meet his eyes. If only he knew the thoughts running through my mind right now, he'd be calling me anything but an angel.

"Yeah?" I respond innocently.

He wears a smirk on his face. Obviously he saw me looking him up and down just now, but I don't care. He deserves to know how good I think he looks. "My eyes are up here babe."

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