fifty two.

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   With the few times that I've been to New York City, it's safe to say that I'm completely in love with it. I like the noise, oddly enough. I like the energy and New Years in the city is absolutely mad.

   A few days ago, we rung in the New Year in Times Square; me, Emma and the boys. The reason being One Direction performing on Dick Clark's New Years Rockin' Eve. I doubt I would've ever been to one of those had it not been for the boys, simply because if I were to go by myself- well that's the point, I wouldn't have gone by myself. I grew up watching the ball drop from my tv screen but I never thought I'd actually see it in real life.

   Now it's a few days later. Harry and I walk around the streets of New York with only one purpose; apartment hunting. This started out as Harry saying he wants to buy an apartment in the city, to me then seeing the first two apartments and coming to the conclusion that I also want to buy an apartment in the city. Not now but in the near future because I tend to end up in New York a lot, especially recently, for work.

Observing Harry in his hoodie and leather jacket over it, I fight the urge to ask him why he doesn't wear leather jackets more often. It should be a crime to look as good as he does. We kind of match today, both of us wearing black jeans and a hoodie. I stole this one from him, and just wore my jacket over it as well since it's cold. Of course he has yet to complain, not that I truly expect him to because he encourages me to steal his clothes.

"What time is our next one?" I ask Harry as we walk along the streets of West Broadway, our arms linked together as we do. We just took a subway from Times Square to get here because we're really going everywhere around the city to look at apartments.

"Around one." he answers, his focus on something ahead of us.

"It's only twelve. We have an hour." I say, having looked down at my watch previously.

"Do you wanna go get coffee or something?" Harry keeps his gaze ahead at something specifically so I look to see he's staring at a café ahead of us.

   When I nod my head, confirming that I agree with Harry's new plan, we walk over to the small coffee shop, called Ground Support Café. Upon entering, I feel the slight warmth of the inside and right then I decide that I'll be getting a hot coffee to drink to keep myself warm when we go back out.

   Harry and I don't take long to order and receive our drinks. He gets an americano with hazelnut in it while I get a nice plain black coffee.

"I'll never understand how you can just drink black coffee with no sugar or anything. It's so bitter just on its own." Harry places his cup on the table in front of us, the two of us deciding it'd be a good idea to sit outside, in the cold, as opposed to inside, where there's heat. Geniuses if you ask me.

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