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Hey it's been long. No one comments or vote,so I decided to take a break.

If I don't get atleast 50 votes or 100 views by June or July I will stop writing this book till I change my mind. Anyway here is an update:

Last night Aliya couldn't sleep. She kept thinking of the woman she saw with her husband. It kills her to know that her husband is with someone else. She felt like shouting at him,hitting him but she couldn't.

She decided to give him till the third day he will spend with her. If he doesn't tell her about it,she will confront him.

She woke up late to the smell of freshly made waffles. She followed the smell only to meet Ahmad cooking in the kitchen. "Habibi well this is a surprise" she said.

"I decided to surprise you since we are going to be together for the next three days,I wanted to make this days special" he said. He served the waffles and sat down to eat.

He cleared his throat "hayaat why are you quiet?"she just stared at him, forcing a smile out. "Oh no it's nothing I am just thinking about my catering business" she said trying to sound convincing. "Oh okay, you know yesterday the work was alot I had to escape some work...." He started telling her about his day without mentioning the woman.

After breakfast he suggested that they do out for some fresh air. Aliya got read in a beautiful green gown and light make up. Ahmad complimented her like usual. Usually she feels butterflies in her stomach after his compliment but today was different,she don't know why but it felt as if it's something weird to her.

He took her to a very nice restaurant. "Ahmad this place is nice how come I found out about it today" she asked "well I was also introduced to it days ago and the food here is good" Ahmad answered. He almost called Sara's name the woman he was hugging in his office.

Is the person who brought him here that woman" Aliya thought. Just then Sara entered the restaurant and she had a baby in her arms. She sat at a table behind them as if she didn't witness them sitting there.

Ahmad noticed her and immediately got scared,what if she sees us" he wanted to take Aliya out of the restaurant as soon as possible. "Aliya let's go to my mom's house I forgot that she invited us today"he told her looking anxious. "He wants to avoid her,is what I saw true. Is Ahmad cheating on me" Aliya thought.

"Ahmad why are you so anxious did you see someone you know here"she asked. " No I just don't want us to be late okay?" He said more anxious.

"Okay let's go" they stood up ready to leave when Sara noticed them. She wanted to introduce herself to Aliya. She approached them. "Hey Ahmad and Aliya" she greeted. She looked so enthusiastic.

She had a baby in her hand. He looked about 6months old. It made Aliya feel scared and dizzy. "Is this ahmad's child" it made her feel worse as she didn't give birth in this last year as Ahmad wasn't ready for kids then. But she forced a smile and greeted back.

"Hey are you a friend of Ahmad do I know you?" She asked. Sara looked flustered but she looked at Ahmad as if asking why she doesn't know who she is yet.

"Aliya this is Sara I didn't tell you about her yet but she was the wife of my best friend who died recently" Aliya looked at Ahmad surprised. So many thought running in her head as she witnessed a scene in the hospital.

Ahmad rushed Aliya out of the restaurant after the restaurant Sara didn't get to talk to Aliya much but she left it as It is as they will meet each other soon.

Hey, it's been long since I last updated. I actually wanted to give up on the book but I decided to give a quick update thanks to one of the readers comment last 2days. I will update when people show enthusiasm like this. And bear with the crappy chapter I rushed in updating without time and I wanted to fulfill my reader's wish. Anyway enjoy

Fi amanillah


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